Eight- Notes

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After the checkup, I kept seeing Luke and Grayson around school. Everyday they would stop by the library during my study hall before I got there. One day, they left a bottle of water, a sandwich, along with an apple, and a baggie of cookies on my table with a note.

            You need to eat.
                               -Luke and Gray"

As much as I wanted too, I couldn't. I can't accept anything from them. Truth be told, I was starving. The sandwich looked good, and I really wanted the cookie. The orphanage never had cookies because they weren't a necessity.

I got out a pen and wrote on the paper.
"Mr. Clark & Mr. Moore,
I'm not taking your food. My well being is not your concern.

I didn't touch the food. I let it sit there, taunting me, until I had to go to class. The next day, there was more food replacing the last. Another sandwich and cookies, but with a banana instead of an apple. Another note was left in the old ones place.

We are the medical professionals here, and we say you need to eat. 

Evangeline ,
Just eat it kid. He's as stubborn as you are. Maybe even more.
P.S. stop calling us Mr. Clark & Mr. Moore, it makes us sound old."

A smile forms on my face at Mr. Moore's comment. He seemed like a funny person, but I couldn't be too trusting of someone I didn't know. Once again, I don't touch the food. Getting out my out my pen, I add to the note.

"Mr. Clark & Mr. Moore,

The next day there is more food. This time it's not a sandwich. It's chicken tenders with garden peas on the side.
'Man, they are really trying here.' I think to myself.
I read the note and sigh.

Please eat.
                -Luke & Gray"

"Mr. Clark & Mr. Moore,

I start going during the afternoons after school to read more, and they somehow found out because I begin to find more notes.

We just want you healthy.
              -Gray & Luke"

Just like the other days, I wrote back to them on the note.

"Mr. Moore & Mr. Clark,
Just because you haven't hurt me doesn't mean you won't. I already warned you that I don't trust people easily.

The next day the food was a grilled chicken salad with fruit slices. It looked heavenly, but I still didn't eat it. I contemplated eating just one piece, however that would mean they won. I was getting increasingly annoyed with them. I just want to be left alone. Why can't they do that like everyone else. I can't trust them. I can't trust anyone. They only want to trick me and hurt me. They don't care about me. No one does. No one ever has and no one ever will.

We have no intention of hurting you. Please believe us. Not every medical person is like that man.
                 -Luke & Gray"

"Clark & Moore,
Stop. My past is none of your business.
            -The girl who wants you to leave her alone.
P.S. I know you have been hiding in the bookshelves to see if I eat. Both of you suck at hiding, but while you are there, I need a book. 'The Fault in Our Stars', please. It's by John Green. I'm short and can't reach it. Thanks"

I leave the note on the table like always, and the food goes untouched. Heading to my next class, my stomach begs for food. The next day there is food, a note, and the book. Only today, the note was full of questions.

"Just answer the questions, please.
Favorite color:
What do you like:
Favorite animal:
Favorite thing to do other than read:
Favorite instruments:

-Luke and Gray"

Letting out a sigh, I answer the questions again, knowing I've already filled out all these questions before for the school.

"Luke and Grayson,
Music, and art
I don't do much other than reading.
Cello and piano

The note I find when I go back for my afternoon reading session brings more confusion than normal.

It's a surprise.
-Luke & Gray"

I don't write back this time, but go straight 'home'. In the next two days, I don't get a note, and I start to think that they have finally given up.

I take my time walking home to admire the scenery. Content floats in me as I know I have already done my homework for all my classes, so my work anxiety is gone.

I head to my room, hearing Ms. Victoria yell at me to come back downstairs. She screams at me to clean the orphanage, even though I had cleaned it last week.

I get to work, tidying all the rooms and making the beds first. Next, I gather everyone's laundry from the piles of clothes strewn about, and take it to the laundry room.

Whilst the other eat, I sweep and vacuum, after washing the dishes. It's porridge night. The floors are next, and soon, I'm on my hands and knees with the scrub sponge, kids walking on my clean floor, and my hair stuck to my wet face.

I hear the front door open and close and new voices. My mind comes to the conclusion that someone is here to adopt a child. Ms. Victoria yells for children ages 13- 16 to come downstairs.

I can't help but feel giddy when I realize that I have the opportunity to get out. This could be my chance. Of course, this is what everyone else is thinking too.

I set the brush back into the bucket and stand. Ideas of going to a loving family fly through my mind, but they are blown away when the realization hits that it's not going to happen.

No one is going to want me. There are much better choices other than me.

I walk to the living room where all the children are lined up, ready to meet the adopters. Just as I am about to go through the doorway, Ms. Victoria  steps in front of me, blocking me from entering.

"They don't want you. Go back to your chores." She growls at me, pointing in the direction I came.

"But I'm fifteen." I think to myself. They haven't even met me. How can they know they don't want me?

I can't argue with her. Arguing will only make her angry with me, and I will have to be punished. Ms. Victoria always said I wasn't allowed to talk without permission.

I can't help but feel disappointed, but I should have known better than to raid my hopes. Ny gaze drifts to the floor, and I trudge back to the kitchen to resume where I left off.

Rewritten 4/30/2020

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