Twenty Nine- Suprise

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Luke, Grayson, and I sit at our table in the library eating lunch. The door swings open to show Ms. Harris carrying two plastic trays with some type of food in them. She comes over to our table and sets them down in front of us.

"Hi, Ms. Harris." I say and eat a strawberry.
"Hi, honey." She says as she sits down. "I brought you a surprise." She says. My face lights up at her words. I've never had someone other than Luke give me a surprise.
"I brought cupcakes and muffins for you to try." She says which makes Luke and Grayson smile.
"And, so we can finally settle the debate over which is better." She says to Luke and Gray
"Also, as a form of payment for the food yesterday." She adds with a sigh.
"Did you forget you food again?" Luke ask her
"Nope, it's right here." She says and holds up her lunchbox. I giggle at her optimism and she takes out her food. It's another salad with low fat dressing and a bottle of water. Luke watches her intently as she begins eating with a confused expression, but doesn't say anything.
"May I have one?" I ask her referring to the treats.
"Yes, of course. I got them for you!" She exclaims happily and puts down her fork. She removes the top box to we're I can see inside of both of them. One has bright, colorful cupcakes and the other has fluffy muffins with different colored dots in them.
"Which do you want first?" She ask.
I look between the two and point to the muffins. Luke smiles at me and Ms. Harris ask which one I want.
"Do you want chocolate, strawberry, or blueberry?" She ask
"Strawberry, please." I tell her. "Big or little?" She ask
"Little." I say "These don't have peanuts in them, right?" I ask
"No, I made sure they didn't have any peanuts in them." She says reassuringly
"Okay." I say
She hands me the smaller muffin like I asked for with a napkin and she ask Luke and Gray which ones they want. Grayson takes a chocolate one and Luke takes a blueberry one. She goes back to eating her salad and wishfully looking at the desserts. I really like the muffin. Luke laughs at me stuffing my face with it. I finish it and Ms. Harris ask which cupcake I want.
"Chocolate or vanilla?" She ask. The chocolate have bright purple icing and the vanilla have light pink icing.
"Chocolate, please." I say she hands me what I ask for and I smirk. I take a bite and smile at the taste. It's sweet and rich. The cake part is fluffy and moist while the icing is smooth and creamy.

"So which is better, Kitten?" Luke ask me
I grin and swallow my bite. "Cupcakes." I tell him
Grayson cheers which makes me giggle.
"See! Yeah, high five." He says and reaches across the table to me for a high five. I slap his hand and sit back down.
"You're supposed to be on my side." Luke teases me and pokes my arm. I laugh at him and look to Ms. Harris. She's smiling sweetly at us  until I look at her. She looks down to her salad as soon as she realizes that I caught her staring at Luke and tries to hide her faint blush. She pokes around her salad and thinks about something deeply. Grayson gets a chocolate like me and Luke gets a vanilla.
"Evangeline." Luke says to get my attention.
"Yes?" I ask
"You have icing on your nose." He says. My hand flies to my nose and I gasp.
"Where?" I ask desperately
"Right there." He says and dabs my nose with icing on his finger.
"Luke." I giggle and wipe my nose with a napkin. Ms. Harris and Grayson laugh at us and I take another bite of my cupcake.
Luke looks to Ms. Harris who is stabbing around in her salad, every once in a while taking a bite.
"Are you not going to eat one?" Luke ask her
She shakes her head no "No, I'm fine." She says but you can tell she really wants one.
"Do you want my cookies?" I offer her and hold up my cookie bag.
"No thank you, honey." She says rejecting my offer. My spirits dampen a bit at her refusal but not completely.
"Come on, Sophie. You have to eat one, you brought them!" Luke commands
"No really, I'm fine." She protest meekly
Luke uses a napkin to pick up a vanilla cupcake and places it in front of her on another napkin.
"Go on, eat it." He encourages her

She looks longingly to the cupcake and back to her salad. She seems to be having a huge inner battle with herself as to whether or not she should eat it.
She gives a little sigh and looks back up to Luke. He signals her to eat it with a slight nod. Her gaze drops to the sweet treat and her shaking hands unwrap half of it. She takes a small bite of it and bliss washes over her face.

"Oh my, it's so good." She says which makes us smile
"Did you make these?" Grayson ask her
"Does going to the bakery to buy them count as making them?" She ask jokingly
"Um, no." He chuckles
"Then no, I didn't." She laughs

She takes another bite which leaves her lips a faint shade of pink from the icing. She nibbles on the dessert until half of the cupcake is gone. Once half of it is gone, she sets it down and goes back to her salad with an displeased look. She looks unhappy with herself for some reason as she forces down the rest of her salad. I pack away my left over food into my lunchbox and make sure I have all of my belongings packed into my book bag. They launch into a conversation about the school and I join every once in a while. Mostly I just sit there to listen to them. Eventually the bell rings and everyone goes back to work and I go to class after saying goodbye. Ms. Harris never did finish her cupcake and she got us. Luke and Grayson to split them between us to take home, even though we wanted her to take some too, she refused. She said that she wouldn't eat them and they would go to waste.

The rest of the day is uneventful. Surprisingly, I didn't have a 'special meeting' with Colin on the way to class. He must have wanted to give me a day off. My body is thankful. I don't know how many more kicks and punches to my stomach I can take. Unlucky for me, Colin is one of the best players on the soccer team, meaning his kicks are very powerful. I'm scared that he will kick me in the right spot causing one of my ribs to break or my spine will if he kicks me in the back.

Luke takes me home when school is over, but we stop at the store on the way home to get more dog food for nugget. I finish my home work when we get home and then shower to wash away the days stress. Luke calls me down for dinner which is chicken stir-fry. After we clean up dinner, we watch a movie, then read and snuggle until I fall asleep in his lap. Luke tucks me in which Ellie and Nugget. I mumble a goodnight and then he goes to bed also.

Sorry this chapter is so short, but I have exciting news. I have entered this book into the Shine Bright Awards! I don't know if This book even has a chance at winning because there are such great authors on Wattpad. My biggest concern is the judges only read 2-5 chapters of the book while judging, but nothing big actually happens until after those chapters, so i could loose a chance at winning because nothing exciting happens in those chapters.

Anyways, have a good time reading my lovelies! Also, we hit 12K and I'm so happy! Thank you everyone for reading. I hope you all enjoy!

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