Forty Six- Purpose

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We gather all of Evangeline's stuffed animals and 'Bubbles' and head to the Ferris wheel in the middle of the park. I have to hold back a laugh when I hear Evangeline tell Grayson that Sophie and I should ride together.

"I want to ride with Gray." Evangeline says. I can't protest or else Sophie would get the wrong idea.
"I guess it's me and you then." I say to Sophie
She smiles which causes my heart to lift.
"Okay." She giggles

We board the two seater cars on the ride with Grayson and Evangeline in the one behind us. The guy running the game let us set all of our, or should I say Evangeline's things, to the side of the ride. I see out of the corner of my eye that they high five when we get on together. I wait until the ride starts moving to text Grayson.

"I know what you are doing." I send to him
"It wasn't my idea." He sends back. I can picture the smirk on his face which makes me smile.
We look around the park as we ride the ride to the park, waiting our turn to be at the top. When we finally get there we have a perfect view on the sunset. It's almost finished, which is the best time because the sky is mixed with many beautiful colors. Although, none of them are as beautiful as Sophie.
She lets out a squeak when the car rocks and makes her death grip on the bar across our lap tighter.

"Scared?" I ask
Her wide eyes search the ground below us and the cart. "Um, I guess now would be a good time to mention that heights aren't really my thing."
"Just like needles huh?" I ask
"Yeah." She breaths out
I laugh at her as blush creeps across her face just like when I gave her the toy flower.
"Don't worry, I won't let you fall." I say when the ride creaks again and she latches one hand onto my arm.
"Look at the sky not the ground." I tell her and point to the sunset. She forces herself to peel her gaze from the ground and to the sinking sun. She relaxes a bit when she sees the pretty colors which makes me smile. I can't help but notice a sparkle in her eyes as she gazes at the arising stars. She shivers slightly when a gust of wind blows against us. Goosebumps rise on her arms and I look to my jacket.

"Are you cold?" I ask
"Just a little." She says but is clearly freezing
In one swift motion I take my jacket off and set it in her lap.
"You didn't have to." She says trying to give the jacket back to me
"I don't need it. You can use it, it's not like it's going to kill you." I say which makes her laugh. She reluctantly puts my jacket on and the sleeves go way past her fingertips. She bundles up in it and gladly accepts the warmth it brings. The sun goes down fully and our ride moves down so that Grayson and Evangeline are on top.

There is an announcement of starting the fireworks and a loud boom follows minutes later. Sophie jumps a little, but soon gets used to it. We can hear everyone letting out collections of 'ooo' and 'ahh' beneath us. I can also make out the faint voices of Evangeline and Grayson behind us. Evangeline keeps saying how pretty the colors are and commenting on the different shapes they make.

"I saw you with the jacket." Grayson text me
"She was cold." I send back
"And she grabbed your arm for dear life." He sends
"Afraid of heights." I protest
"Shut up, you are loving it." He sends
".... shut it." I say
"Make me." He threatens
"I swear if I was in this cart with you then I would push you out so fast right now." I send "Nothing is going to happen. There is no way she has any interest in me." I send back
"You are one blind son of a biscuit." He sends
"Evangeline reading these?" I ask
"When else do I ever say biscuit?" He sends sarcastically. I let out a small chuckle and Sophie looks to me.

"What are you laughing at?" She ask me
"Nothing, just some text from Grayson." I say trying to act cool

"I hope Sophie ask to see these." Grayson text. Unfortunate for me, I have the phone held and Sophie sees the text.

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