Fifty Eight- Chompy

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After school Luke, Grayson, and I all ride to the clinic. I cringe as memories from the previous time of being here come back to me. Grayson leads us down a few hallways and to two double doors. He presses a button showing an up arrow which makes it light up.

I read the plaque next to the doors which says 'Elevator'. I've heard of these, but never actually ridden one. I've never had a purpose to ride one. It's not like I ever went anywhere other than the orphanage and to school. There are elevators at school too, but students aren't allowed to ride them unless they are injured or have a teachers permission to. Luke and I rode the moving stairs called escalators at the mall. They were fun. It kind of felt like I was flying when I closed my eyes. I really  wanted to try to run up the ones that were going down, but I figured Luke wouldn't let me, so I didn't ask.

The double doors open almost instantly, and the two of them step across the crack in the floor into the tiny box. I stand there frozen in my spot as they wait for me. I've never enjoyed being in small spaces much, and the fact that I've never ridden an elevator before doesn't help with being more optimistic about the situation.

Luke holds his hand in the door to keep it open for me with a faint look of confusion.
"Never ridden an elevator before?" Luke ask. I shake my head slowly and he chuckles lightly. I take a giant step over the crack and into the moving death trap.
I twiddle my thumbs out of nervousness and try to keep my breathing under control as the doors close. I look around nervously and get a strong urge to rush out of the doors just as they close.

"Claustrophobic?" Grayson ask jokingly as I close my eyes to help me pretend I'm not in the elevator.
"Just a little bit." I whisper pathetically

A jolt shoots through the small box and it begins to move. I let out a frightened shriek and latch onto Luke's arm. He shushes me by rubbing my back with his only free hand and telling me it's going to be okay. A ding soon rings through the room and we stop moving. The doors open and I rush out into the hallway. A huge weight is lifted off my shoulders when I get into the spacious hallway.

Grayson leads us down the hallway and unlocks a door. He opens it to reveal an examination room. An unflattering green colored dental chair sits in the middle of the room with a stool next to it and counters lining the walls. Grayson walks in, flips on the lights, and begins to rummage through some of the cabinets. He turns back around to us and points to Luke who has gone rigid in his spot.

"You." He says to Luke "In the chair." He says firmly but sympathetically
He then points to me and my heart practically leaps out of my chest. "You, uhh, I don't really care what you do." He says shrugging. I let out a breath of relief, Luke on the other hand, glares at Grayson.

Grayson pulls a few things out of the cabinets before walking past us to go somewhere else. He stops and whispers to Luke but I can just barely make it out.

"Don't forget who's watching."

Grayson leaves and Luke sighs heavily and turns to me. He doesn't say anything, but instead walks to the chair in the middle of the room and sits down. He taps his fingers nervously on the arm rest of the chair with one hand and creates a death grip on the chair with the other. I walk stiffly the chair in the corner of the room and sit down.

"Y-You're scared." I say softly
"Nope." He says clearly lying.
"Every time we come here you lie to me." I say bluntly. Guilt flashes across his face and he runs his fingers through his hair.
"How did you know I was scared?" He ask
"Because you look like a lot calmer version of me." I say disappointed in myself .
"Well, I get scared just like you do, but I know Grayson would never hurt me, or anyone, so I know it's okay because everyone gets scared sometimes." He says profoundly
"I won't let him hurt you." I assure Luke, making him grin.

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