Sixty One- Burritos

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Grayson wakes me up in the morning, or at least tries to. I have no motivation to do anything. He first does what Daddy does and just moves my shoulders back and forth. It does wake me up, but it doesn't make me get up. He then tries to pull the covers off of me, but I have them wrapped around me to tightly for him to succeed. Sophie tries too, and she gets closer to making me get up than Grayson.

"Come on Honey, you have to get up."she says
I groan in response. She tugs on my foot that is sticking out from my cocoon of blankets, causing me to slide to the footboard. Ellie slips from my loose grip and gets left behind. I gasp and turn my head under the comforter to look for my stuffie. It lands in my line of sight right in front of me. I snake my hand slowly from under the big blue blanket and snatch Ellie back to me before Sophie notices.

"Get up," Sophie groans playfully
"No thanks, I would rather stay down, but thanks for the offer." I say sarcastically
"You have to go to school; I have to go school, and Grayson has to go to school. We all have to go." She protest
"I don't want to go to school." I say back
"Why, you love school." She says
"Daddy isn't going to be there." I mumble
She sighs "What do you plan on doing when they have to go back to the clinic?" She challenges "Stay home all the time?"
"No, because he'll be at home then. I'd still get to see him." I mutter under my breath
"He's coming back, Sweetheart."She says
"Not fast enough." I mumble

Sophie and I go quiet because neither of us know what to say. Grayson comes upstairs and we can hear him talking to some one.

"Nope, she won't get up. I guess you can't talk to her, Luke." He says rather loudly to make sure I hear him. I shoot up in the bed at the mention of Daddy's name.
"I guess I'll just call tonight then." Luke says through the phone.
"No!" I say urgently. I scramble to unwrap myself from the blankets as Grayson walks through the door.
"If you aren't up then how can you talk to him?" Sophie teases
"I'm up, I'm up!" I say frantically. Grayson and Sophie smirk at each other as I run to Gray.

"Oh now you're up." Grayson teases
"Yes!" I practically yell at him.
"Are you going to stay awake?" He ask
"Yes, please let me talk to him." I beg

"Okay Gray, let me talk to her." Luke says through the phone
They say goodbye, adding in a 'hey' from Sophie in the process, and gray hands me the phone. I race down the hall to my room with to have privacy. My heart does flips in my chest from happiness. I jump onto my bed and hold the phone close to my ear to hear him.

"Good morning, Kitten." Luke says happily
"Good morning." I tell him. What he said yesterday pops into my mind about having a problem, causing an idea to form.
"Daddy, we have a problem. You have to come home, it's an emergency." I say quickly
I can picture a frown on his face like he knows there really isn't one. "What is the problem, Evangeline?" He ask
I fiddle with my thumb nail as I hesitate to answer.
"I-I miss you." I say quietly
He sighs on the other end "Love bug, I miss you too, but I can't come home just because you miss me." 
My spirits drop dramatically. Tears well in my eyes and threaten to spill.
"B-But I want you to come home." I say with a shaky breath. A tear falls onto my cheek. I wipe it away with my sleeve and a small sniffle. Luke goes quiet on the other end as he listens.
"Kitten, are you crying?" He ask
I sniffles again "No." I mumble, clearly lying
"Is your nose pink?" He ask, trying to politely ask if I'm lying.
"Maybe." I say, so quiet that it's almost inaudible

I squeeze my pillow close to my chest and bury my face in it as I wait to hear what he says next.

"Love bug, listen to me." He says "Stop crying, okay?"
I mumble an okay to him and he continues
"I want you to stop crying, smile, and try to be happy today. Be the strong girl I know you are." He tells me
"Okay." I whisper
"Pretend I'm just in another room and you can't see me." He suggest
"L-Like when you're in your office a-and I'm in my room." I say agreeing with him
"Yeah, like that." He says

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