Fourteen- Sketches

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I walk to the waiting room and sit down when the bell rings saying school is over. Mrs. Cheryl said they were finished with their exams and are cleaning up. After a few minutes, Luke comes out with his stuff and a smile like always. He holds out his hand for me to take. I take it and he pulls me up, into a hug. He kisses the top of my head before letting go.
"Ready to go?" He ask
I nod happily, ready to get out of this hell hole.
We say a quick goodbye to Grayson and Mrs. Cheryl. We are silent on the way home.

Nugget greets us at the front door with excitement running all through his furry body. Luke lets him outside to run for a few minutes in the backyard. I go to my new room to start my home work. My smile brightens when I see my room. I love it. I pull out my  desk chair and take a seat. The seat is soft and bouncy. I flip on the lamp and my area is flooded with the bright light. I pick a purple mechanical pencil out of the tray and start my homework. I do history first since it is my least favorite. I move on to English and after that science. I finally get to math. Math is easily my favorite subject. I like the stability of it. I like knowing that I can use a specific formula to get the answer and it isn't going to change.

I finish the few problems I was assigned within minutes of starting. I pack away my things and set my bag beside my desk. I twirl around in the chair to face my room.

'What do I do now?' I ask aloud. My eyes roam the room, eventually landing on the chalk wall. I hop from my seat and grab a piece of chalk. As I think of stuff to draw, an idea of a dress pops into my mind.

'Wait, I need some music.'I think to myself. I hurriedly go to my laptop and turn on Pandora. I start to dance to the music as I carefully draw the dress. It has a beautiful burgundy skirt, with a burgundy bow tied in the middle, connecting a white, flower lace to the skirt. I add a burgundy collar to it to top off the look. It doesn't have sleeves, and is modest, but fashionable. My eyes dart to the sketchbook on my desk and I instantly rush to get it. I grab a burgundy color pencil, along with a tan one, and plop down on my bed. I lay on my stomach facing the chalk wall and begin to sketch the dress. I add a lot more details to the lace because it's easier with the smaller tip. I copy the drawing I made on my wall as I sing to the music. I shade in the dress in the appropriate places, finishing by darkening the outline of it. I look at the time and find it's taken me three hours to do everything.

My music is paused and I look to my desk to find out what is interrupting my jam session. Luke stands admiring my work with a grin.
"You can draw." He says
I shrug and look to the wall. I sit down my sketchbook and get up to correct a crooked line on the collar. He picks up my sketchbook and smiles wider.
"You can really draw." He chuckles.
"I like fashion. I want to be a designer." I say and swoosh around in my skirt.
"Could you make it?" He ask
"I could, but I don't have the stuff I need." I explain slightly sad.
"What do you need?" He ask
"Um, a sewing machine, I have needle and thread, but fabrics, the lace, a tape measure, stuff like that." I say naming off all the things I need as I inspect the dress.
"Okay." He says and sits down my sketchbook.
"What do you mean, 'okay'?" I ask
"Tomorrow, after school, we're going to get it." He says confidently
"Seriously?" I ask excitedly
"Yes, seriously. You would look adorable in it. If you want to be a designer, you have to be able to make your clothes, right?" He says
I squeal and jump around a bit before running over to hug him. He chuckles and hugs back.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal into his stomach.

I can't believe I'm actually going to be able to make my designs. I know I can make it, I was always forced by Ms. Victoria, to sow everyone's clothes. Over the years, I've perfected the art of sewing and using a sewing machine. I know all the proper measurement I need to take. I'll have to have Luke help me with some, because I can't take them accurately on myself.

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