Twenty Six- Lunch

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This chapter is dedicated to annakelpi and TheInnovative this chapter is a combination of their request. Hope everyone likes it!

After finishing cleaning up, we grab our lunches and head to the library to meet Evangeline. The whole way there all I can think about is the pain in my mouth. I debate on whether or not to tell Grayson. I don't want to tell him because then he will want to give me a checkup. I know I should do it, but I'm afraid.

I had an incident when I was young that made me terrified of the dentist for a long time. I eventually got over the fear, until one event that I witnessed in my early twenties during Med school that brought it back. Of course Grayson knows about my fear, I mean, we've been best friends ever since we could remember.

Our parents were friends, so we hung out a lot as kids. We had countless sleepovers throughout our childhoods. If I wasn't at his house after school or on the weekends, he was at mine. We did everything together. We lived in the same neighborhood, only houses away from each other. Our families barbecued on the weekends, had pool parties, and family game night together. Grayson and I are both the only children in our families. Neither of us have siblings, but we always considered ourselves close enough to be brothers.

Grayson and I chat on the way to the library about our patients health. Most of the children are pretty healthy and up to date with all their medical visits. So far, Evangeline is the one who has missed the most visits. I'm positive she has missed most of her vaccines, but I have to wait until she fully trust me or is close to trusting me to take her to my office. She's not going to like it, I already know. I just hope that she will still trust me afterwards.

We walk in to see Evangeline working on something at our table with a woman. A beautiful woman if I may add. She has wavy brown hair with natural highlights in it. She has on a black pencil skirt with a navy blue blouse and a gold necklace that most likely came with the shirt because all it is decorated with is a gold bar that connects the chain together. She has big green eyes that compliment her complexion. Her lips are small and a pretty pink color. We walk up to the table and Evangeline smiles at us.

"Luke!" She says happily
"Hey, Kitten." I say and set my stuff down. The lady is smiling at us now and stands with her hand out to me.
"Hi, I'm Sophie Harris, Evangeline's teacher." The lady introduces herself. I shake her hand and try to form words.
"Luke Clark, her father." I say as I shake her hand. My thoughts are suddenly jumbled and all I can focus on is her. She shakes Grayson's hand and he introduces himself.
"Grayson Moore, I'm just a friend." He says laughingly
"Nice to meet you." She says and look back to Evangeline who is eating her sandwich and watching us intently.
"Ms. Harris was helping me with my homework." She explains.
"Oh." I say
"It's my planning period, but I've got all of my work done, so I figured I could come here to read my book and eat lunch." She says and motions to the book and lunchbox on the desk.  The title is Les Misérables. It's French and a very large book.
"You speak French?" I ask
"Yes, I studied abroad my senior year." Sophie says "Do you?" She ask
"Oui (yes)" I say. She smiles and turns to Grayson to see if he does also. He nods.
"C'est un bon livre. L'avez-vous lu avant? (It's a good book. Have you read it before?)" Evangeline ask in French. I turn to her surprised that she knows French
"No, but it's supposed to be good." She says smiling and slightly impressed by how fluent she is. "Have you?"
"It is, I read it in eight grade." She says and takes a bite of her sandwich. I sit down and so does Grayson. She grabs her book and smiles to us.
"Did you need help with anything else?" She ask Evangeline who shakes her head no.
"No ma'am, thank you though." Evangeline says
"Then I will leave you all alone then." She says
"Oh, you don't have to go. Stay, eat with us. If you want to." I say almost frantically.

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