Thirteen- Ellie

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I wake up to being gently shaken by an unknown force. I try to ignore it and curl into a ball, hugging my stuffie closer to my chest.

"Wakey wakey, Kitten. It's time to get up." Luke coos softly to me.
I roll over to face him and open my eyes. Since I'm not wearing my glasses, he's really blurry.
"Good morning, sleepyhead." He chuckles
I run my eyes to help get the sleep out of them, and hoping I could make my vision a little less blurry. It doesn't work.
"You're blurry." I giggle. He chuckles at me and grabs something off the nightstand. He places my glasses on my face for me, instantly making my vision clear. Light streams in from the window, hitting the bed, making it warm where the sun hits.
"Better?" He ask
"Better." I say
He looks at my with a smile. His big blue eyes full of happiness and a little tiredness

I run my hand over my sore throat with a grimace. He looks at me worriedly and presses a hand to my forehead and cheeks.
"What's wrong?" He ask "You don't have a fever." He says
"My throats is sore. I'm not used to talking this much." I explain to him
"Open your mouth and say 'ahh." He tells me. Fear takes over my body at the thought of what he could do to me. I clamp my mouth shut tightly and shake my head no. I throw the covers over my head and hold them there.
"Shh, it's okay. I just want to take a look." He says calmingly. He peels back the blankets slowly to reveal my terrified self. He uses his finger to brush a piece of hair out of my face for me.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He claims with pleading eyes.
He sighs and hooks his hands under my arms. He lifts me up and slides me until I'm sitting up in front of him. I play with my fingers nervously as he looks at me. He lifts my chin up to make me look at him.
"I'm only going to look." He says.
He cups my cheeks tenderly in his hands. He uses his thumb and forefinger, to pull down my chin, to open my mouth for him to see. I close my eyes so a tear doesn't fall, and so I don't start crying from fear. He lets go and I close my mouth.
"It's just a little red. Drink some cold water, that might make it feel better, okay?" He says kindly
I nod in understanding. I play with my nail and look down to my lap.

Nugget moved to where his head is in my lap. I scratch his ear and he jumps up, starting to lick my face with his big tongue. I giggle as the dog attacks me with sloppy kisses. Luke laughs at me and pats my head.

"Come downstairs for breakfast when you finish getting ready." He says and leaves my room.

I force myself out of the comfortable bed. It's the best I've ever slept. For once I actually didn't have nightmares. I also slept through the whole night.
I take a shower and brush my teeth first. Then I brush my hair and put it in two French braids that look like pig tails. I slip on a pair of black tights and my black skirt. I put on a bright blue shirt that hugs my body and tuck it into my skirt. I throw on my shoes and take one last look at my appearance.

Satisfied with what I have, I grab my book bag, along with my phone, and skip downstairs. Luke waits for me in the kitchen. He's cleaning up his mess, while two plates of food sit on the table. The room is filled with all kinds of new smells. Luke stops washing the dishes when he sees me. He turns to me with his bright smile.

"Well someone is looking mighty adorable today." He grins
"Thank you." I giggle and swoosh my skirt.
"Are you hungry? I made pancakes, bacon, and I got you some fruit." He says and points to the plates. There are glasses of orange juice beside them. I nod and go sit down with him. I notice my portion is much smaller than his. It's enough that I might be able to eat it all if I really try. He has two big pancakes and two long pieces of bacon. Finished with a mixture of blueberries and strawberries in a separate bowl. My plate has two pancakes that are just a bit bigger than my palm. My bacon is half the size of his, but we have relatively the same amount of fruit. I go to start eating, but he stops me.

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