Sixteen- Sewing

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I'm woken up by Luke, who is kneeled down in front of me, shaking my shoulder. My eyes flutter open and he caresses my cheek. I don't know what time it is, or how long I've slept for.

"Do you feel any better, Kitten?" Luke ask
"Yeah." I say.
"That's great, because you need to go to class. I can't keep you in here forever." He says
"Okay." I mumble. As I sit up, fire runs through my body. It takes a great amount of self control to not show that anything hurts. Luke hands me the water and a roll of Ritz crackers. I groan internally, not wanting to eat anything from fear of throwing up again.
"You need to eat these and drink plenty of water." He says
"Luke," I whine scaredly "What if they make me sick again?"
"Evangeline, you have to eat them. If you don't eat them, then we aren't going to get the supplies to make your dress." He threatens. I huff and tear into the package. I bring one cracker to my lips and force myself to eat it. I pause in between each one to see if it makes my stomach hurt. So far, it isn't. I down most of the water in one go to get it over with. It feels good on my scratchy throat.

I force down the crackers and some more water to make him happy. He tries to lay me back down so he can press on my stomach, but I refuse to let him. He eventually gives up on trying because I'm so scared of it. He gives me a hug before I leave and I mentally grimace when his hand brushes against my back. Just as I make it to my class, the bell rings signaling for a class change, meaning I'm right on time. I take my seat and the teacher behind class. Thankfully school goes bye quickly.

I trudge to the east wing to wait on Luke. Excitement runs through my body since now we get to go get the things I need to make my dress. My mid section burns with every move I make. I ignore it to keep Luke from thinking something is wrong. I plaster on a smile when he comes out.
"Ready to go?" He ask me
I nod happily and hop from my chair.
He pulls me to his side and wraps an arm around my shoulder. We say bye to Grayson and Mrs. Cheryl before heading to the car.

Luke drives us to the nearest crafts store where I skip excitedly inside. Luke grabs a buggy for all the items I need.
"Okay, what first?" He ask looking at all the isles.
"Um, tape measure." I say and lead him to the isle with the different measuring tools.
"Wait," I say my heart sinking as I think
"What's wrong, kitten?" He ask
I look at all the price tags with sad eyes.
"All of this stuff is really expensive. I don't want to make you pay that much just for a silly dress." I say and fiddle with my fingers. All my hopes dying inside me.
He turns me to face him and looks at me with a small smile.
"Evangeline, I don't care how much it cost. Money means nothing to me. This makes you happy, and that's all that matters. Get anything you need or want, and don't worry about how much it cost." He tells me. A big grin spreads across my face at what he says. I turn back around and pick out the tape measure I need. I skip through the isles, grabbing everything I need and putting it into the buggy. I try to get the not so expensive stuff, but still the good kind that doesn't break easily. I have to ask Luke to get things down for me from the top shelf because I'm short. Finally, we get all the small things I need and head to the fabrics. My eyes roam the rolls of cloth, searching for what I need. I finally spot the burgundy color and grab the roll. I also get a silky roll to put on the inside of the dress to make it more comfortable. Luke finds the white laced fabric that looks exactly like what I drew and I dance around in happiness.
"Why don't you get the blue and the white to make the dress I like?" He suggest
"Really, I can make both?" I ask excitedly
"You can make as many as you want." He says. I squeal with joy and he chuckles at me.
"What color blue was it again?" He ask. I flip to it in my sketchbook and show him. I had brought it in in case we needed to see a fabric again.
We search for the colors and only find the white. An employee sees us looking for something and comes over to help us.
"Hi, are you finding everything alright?" The lady ask
"Can you help us find this color blue, or something like it?" Luke ask her. I show her the drawing and she smiles.
"Oh my, that's beautiful." She says. I blush at her words. She scans the fabrics and looks behind a few. She makes an 'ahah' sound and pulls out the fabric from behind another.
She hands it to Luke who puts it in the cart with all of our other things.
"Do you need help finding anything else?" She ask. He name tag says Clair. It's such a pretty name.
"What else you you need, Kitten?" Luke ask me
"A sewing machine." I say.
"Do you know what kind you are looking for?" Clair ask me. I shake my head no.
She chuckles and motions for us to follow her. She leads us to an isle filled with multiple brands of machines. She stops in front of one and sighs.
"Have you ever used one before?" She ask.
"Yes ma'am." I clarify
"Okay, so, this one is supposed to be the best. It's easy to handle, doesn't jam as much as others, and it's a great price." She says pointing to the one she stopped at. "We've had a lot of great reviews about it." She boast "And, I find it's very pretty." She says admiring the designs in the picture on the box.
"Then that's what we'll get." Luke says confidently
He picks up one of the boxes and I clear room in the buggy for the heavy item.

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