Sixty Seven- Sing

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I stare at the floor in front of my bed. The brown grains of the wood capturing what little attention I have to give. My mind and body are numb. I don't feel anything anymore. The sadness and anger I have toward myself for being so mean to everyone still taunts me. I at least got to apologize to Sophie and Grayson, and I am very thankful that they accepted my apologies. However, I am still angry at myself for it. I knew not to treat people that way, yet I still did it.

I wipe away the salty tears that roll down my cheeks. I can't seem to stop no matter how hard I try. My mind keeps replaying all the mean things I did to Luke, killing me on the inside. My eyes are puffy and covered with a deep blue and purple bags from my lack of sleep. A wave of pain rolls through my head, making me cradle my head in the palms of my hands.

Forcing myself up, I make my way to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I splash water onto my face to see if it would help with the blotchiness of my face, but it does close to nothing. Not caring enough to try anything else, I slip on a pair of fuzzy socks to go with my pajamas and retreat to my bed.

'Stop getting so attached. You are just going to be alone again one day. Just like before.' I tell myself

I stand up slowly so the movement doesn't hurt my head as much. Not wanting to be alone anymore, which completely counter-acts with my thoughts, I walk down the hall to Luke's room. He stands by his dresser, humming while folding clothes and placing them into the drawers. I stand just beside the doorway to listen.

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms," Luke sings

He fold another shirt and stuffs it into a draw.

"But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried,"

I watch quietly as he pauses and rubs his face with his hands, seeming as if he was remembering something.

He finally spots me, and I plod silently to his bed and crawl under the covers as he watches from the corner of his eye. The coolness of the pillow feels nice on my cheek, and I let my eyes fall shut.

"You stopped singing." I mumble into the pillow.
"I did," Luke agrees
"I liked it." I whisper

We both go quiet, and after a few minutes I feel his hand rest on my shoulder. I curl myself further into a ball as another wave of pain flows through my head.

"You okay, Love bug?" Luke ask
I nod my head yes, eliciting another sigh from him.
"I know you aren't." He claims, kneeling down behind me.
"Then why did you ask?" I mumble into the comforter
"Well, because I was hoping you would tell me." He remarks. I give a small shrug and pull the covers up higher.
"Will you please look at me?" Luke begs softly.
I reluctantly roll over to face him. He smiles softly back at me and strokes his hand over the top of my hair soothingly.
"You have so much going on up here," He says, tapping my head gently. "and in here." He continues by pointing over my heart. "It's not good to keep it all in."
Luke stares into my eyes and wipes away the stray, unstoppable tears on my cheek. "What are you feeling, Love bug?"

Part of me wants to stay silent. The other part of me wants to give in to Luke's pleads to make him happy. Deciding it would be better to make him happy, I sigh and try to gather my words.

"I-I'm scared," I speak softly
"Of what?" Luke pries
"Loosing you." I whisper out
His eyes immediately fill with concern. "Evangeline, you aren't going to-" He says, only for me to cut him off.
"You don't understand." I interject
His eyes plead silently to mine, "Then make me understand." He begs.

Luke climbs onto the bed after I sit up to make room for him in front of me. He uses the edge of the comforter to wipe my cheeks with a sad face.

I take a deep breath to prepare myself before I start, "I have been independent for as long as I can remember because I never had anyone. I could only count on me. I-I did everything myself," I sniffle
"But ever since I have been here, you have done so much for me. I don't like it." I force out. Luke looks at me confusedly with concern written on his face.

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