Twenty- Bad Dreams

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"Do you want to go on a tour?' Mr. Knight ask me. I shrug looking around his house. It's very messy and poorly lit.
"Answer me!" He yells in my face. I jump back in fright and tears of fear spring to my eyes.
"Y-Yes sir." I squeak out.
"Better. Now follow me. This is the only room you will need to see." He says walking to a door in a hallway. I walk behind him slowly. He opens the door to reveal a dark stairwell.

He suddenly yanks my hand to him and throws me over his shoulder. I let out a small yelp as he thuds down the stairs. He flips a light switch which makes the room brighter immediately. As my eyes adjust to the white, blinding light to reveal a dental chair and an array of tools beside it. There are multiple bottles of some brown liquid on a counter behind the chair. He throws me onto the chair and ties my wrist and ankles tightly to the chair. Fear fills my body as he does this. He plops down on a rolling stool and rolls over to one of the bottles of the brown liquid. The label reads whiskey, but I don't know what that is. He chugs half the bottle before rolling back to me with it in his hands. I start tugging on the restraints which make the ropes burn my skin.

"You can't get away." He says smiling at me. He takes another drink of the liquid and sways in his seat. "I'm gonna make you hurt so much. It'll be fun to hear you scream." He laughs
Tears fall from my eyes and onto my cheeks from his scary words. I don't know what's going on. What did I do wrong? He's scaring me. I pull harder on the ropes which only makes them tighter.
He picks up a tool and I give it my all to get away. He tries to open my mouth but I clamp my mouth shut. He pries it open and I try to bite him.
"Stop it!" He yells at me. I let out a small yelp when he slaps me. He huffs and grabs a syringe off the tray.
"No, no, no." I whimper as I struggle in the chair.
He grabs my arm forcefully and jams the needle into my vein. I let out a small scream from the pain and he plunges the contents into me. It stings my arm and I begin to loose all control of my body. Soon, I can't move, but I can still feel everything. Tears continue to come from my eyes, but I can't wipe them away. I can't even move my mouth. All I can do is breath and blink.
He slams down the needle onto the tray and picks up the tool from before. It makes a loud, high pitch sound when he presses a button on the floor. He grabs another tool and forces it into my mouth. I can't close my mouth and it's hurting my jaw. I want to call for help but I can't. He takes another long drink of the whiskey and smiles at me evilly.

"It looks like someone has a toothache." He says coming closer to my mouth.
"Don't worry, I'll fix it." He laughs and forces the tool into my tooth. Pain fills my mouth and the sound is all I hear. I mentally scream and beg him to stop. He laughs and drinks more while carelessly moving the tool around my mouth.

I wake up with tears running down my face and my heart beating wildly. I take in my surroundings to find that I'm in my room. My safe room. My home With Luke and Nugget protecting me. Nothing is going to hurt me. Luke wouldn't hurt me. Right?

'It was just a dream.' I tell myself
Nugget lays at my feet like every other night, looking at me confusedly. I let out a sob and curl myself around Ellie. Nugget crawls up to me and lays his head on my lap. I continue to sob as the dream flows through my mind. I can still remember all the pain he put me through. All the fear, the pain, the yelling, the screams, the beatings, the needles, everything.

When I am able to subside to sniffles, I use the blanket to wipe away my tears. I don't want to go back to sleep. I don't want the dream to come back. I don't want to experience it again. I didn't want to the first time either. I don't want to be alone.

'I want Luke.' I think to myself 'But what if he gets mad that I woke him up? Will he punish me? What if he doesn't? What if he lets me sleep with him? I really want Luke. He makes me feel safe, and happy. I think he really cares about me.' I say to myself.

I sit there fighting with myself over the idea to wake up Luke and ask if I can lay with him. After finally deciding that it's worth a shot, and that if he punishes me then it shows he doesn't actually care about me, then I can tell the social worker that I want to leave when she comes for the home check. I gather up my courage and grab my soft blanket and Ellie. I slide off my bed and make my way to Luke's door, my feet padding across the cold wooden floor of the house.

I stop in his doorway and look in. He's on his side, facing away from me with the covers just under his waist. He doesn't have on a shirt, but I can thankfully see the waist band of his sweatpants. There would be no way I would get anywhere near him if he didn't have on pants. Even though Luke said he wouldn't touch me like that, it would still be highly inappropriate.

"L-Luke." I call out softly. He stirs in his sleep but doesn't turn over.
"Luke." I say again a bit more desperately. This time, he rolls over and looks sleepily to the door.
"Huh?" He mumbles as he rubs his eyes "What are you doing up, Kitten?" He ask
"I-I had a bad dream." I sniffle and wipe away a damp spot on my cheek with the back of my hand that has Ellie in it. "C-Can I sleep with you?" I ask hopefully. It takes him a moment to process what I ask and he snaps out of his daze.
"Sure, come on." He says and holds out an arm to me. My heart flutters at his acceptance and I take a big breath of air.
I scurry quickly across his room and climb onto his big, king sized bed. I crawl to him while he fixes the pillow next to his for me.
"Here, you can sleep,"
Before he can finish saying anything, I lay down right next to him and press my face into his chest. He lets out a small huff from my suddenness but doesn't tell me to move. He wraps a strong arm around my small body and I snuggle closer to him. His skin is warm on my cold body and I push myself further into him. I sniffle and he looks at me worriedly.
"It hurt, Luke. He hurt me so much." I whisper
"Shh, I know, Kitten. I know." He says and tries to comfort me.
"Why, Luke? Why did he do it?" I ask, confused and hurt from the mans previous actions.
"He was just a bad man, but he isn't here. He can't hurt you anymore." He says reassuringly
"I'm scared to go back to sleep. I don't want to have the dream again." I whimper
"It's alright, I'm right here. Nothing bad is ever going to happen as long as I'm here." He says in my ear
"Just go back to sleep, love bug." He says comfortingly
"Okay." I mumble and close my eyes. I hold him closely to me, too scared that he would leave if I let go. He covers up my shivering body and I nuzzle my head in the crook of his arm. I fall back to sleep slowly in his comforting, warm grip with him whispering soothing words to me softly.

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