Chapter 1

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Welcome back to Korea Eunjung.

I never thought I would still choose to go back to this place.

A place that gives me so much pain.

But I'm not here to look back to all of those.

I'm here to get my girlfriend back from that girl.

Whoever is that girl...

I then, go to our house her in Korea.

I'm going to live there even though I don't like some of my memories in that house.

When I get inside the house lots of feeling came back to me.

I sighed.

"Eunjung" My aunty approach me and give me a hug.

She was my father's sister.

"Aunty. How are you? Where is Sso?" I ask.

"We're good and I'm younger than I look right?" She proudly said and I just agreed.

"Ah your cousin is already in school. You'll meet her after class. And by the way I already talk to the head of the school. You can start tomorrow. I just have to submit the requirements to them" she said and I notice that she's holding a folder.

"Uhm. Aunty I will be the one to bring that today" I said.

"Are you sure? You should rest first" She said.

"No. Aunty I can handle this. I don't have to sleep all day" I said.

Aunty just agreed and after few minutes she left.

I go to my room.


Nothing changes at all.

I don't even need some kid's stuffs here anymore.

I go to my study table and open the drawers.

I saw a magnifying glass inside.

I smiled.

I remember that day when I first meet her.

My girlfriend.


I was six that time and there was a party for kids.

I don't really wanna go but my Mom drag me to this party.

I really hate this party.

"Eunjungie...c'mon let's play." My cousin Soyeon tried to drag me with her but I refused too.

I just love to stay here in the corner.

"Ehh?? Waee??" She asks while licking her lollipop.

"This is for kids" I said and cross my arms.

"You are a kid" She said

I didn't respond coz she was right.

I was just six like her too.

She just gives up on persuading me coz I really don't want to play.

I just watch them.

What so interesting about jumping and chasing each other?

You'll just get tired.

While I was watching them I saw a kid crawling on the floor while holding a magnifying glass.

She goes under the tables.

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