Chapter 25

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"Jiyeon I want you to come with me. Let's leave all this mess. You live with that almost all of your life. I can make you happy. I can give you everything that you want. All of this will never really stop until you're here so I beg you just come with me Jiyeon" Hyeri said


I immediately pull Jiyeon away from her

"Are you out of your mind kid?! You call Jiyeon just to ask her to elope?! SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND! Let me remind you that!" I angrily said and push her a little

"Eunjung unnie! Just let Jiyeon go. She already suffered enough. Don't you want her to have a better life? If she's with still with you they will never stop believe me" She said.

"Hyeri-ah. What is wrong with you? Our parents already get what they want and let us go. They don't care what we do now. Your Dad was safe now too so there's nothing to worry about." Jiyeon said to her.

Hyeri shook her head.

"Believe me Jiyeon. It's not yet the end of this. It'll only end if you come with me" Hyeri insisted.

"What do you mean?" Jiyeon ask.

"I'll tell you if you come with me" Hyeri said.

That's it!

"Jiyeon let's go and Hyeri don't ever dare go near Jiyeon or you seriously won't like what will happen to you" I said and then I pull Jiyeon with me.

She's so annoying.

"Jiyeon. I don't want you talking or near that girl arasso?!" I said to Jiyeon when we get into the car.

"Jungie." She said.

"What?!" I'm still raising my voice coz I'm still annoyed.

She didn't respond.

I look at her and she's looking down.

I sighed.

"Sorry for yelling" I said and took her hand.

I'm losing my temper to that girl.

How could she ask my girlfriend to run away with her in front of me?

She's lucky that I was able to control myself not to hurt her.

"It's ok. I'm just...just..."

"Just thinking if what she said was true?" I ask and she nodded.

"Jiyeon I'm worried about it too but I also believe that we could get through this together" I said to her.

"Right, I'm thinking too much again. Let's just go home" she said so I start driving back home.

It's a little late now.

When we arrive I thought she would already go home but she after she get out of my car she immediately go inside my house.

I parked my car and followed her inside.

She's there sitting comfortably on the couch

"You're not yet going home?" I ask her

"You want me to go home now?" She ask

"No...It's not like that. It's just that it's already late. Hyomin and Hyojoon might be waiting for you already" I said and sat beside her.

She lies down and uses my lap as her pillow.

"They won't be. They know I'm here with you and our house was just right there so there's no reason for them to get worried. They're tired and probably sleeping already" she said and close her eyes

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