Chapter 47

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If grandma is really behind all of this I have to stop her.

Damn she'll really do everything just to make me do what she wants.

Grandma gives me headache.

"Boramie! Soyeon is here!" I heard Omma knocks on my door.


Why she's so early that the time that we've agreed?

I immediately finish changing and go outside to of my room.

"Where is she?" I ask Omma coz I don't see Soyeon inside the house.

"She's outside. She said you're in a hurry so go now" Omma said.

We're in a hurry?

"Ok. Bye Omma." I said and kiss her cheek before I leave.

Soyeon was there inside her car waiting for me.

I immediately get in there.

"Hey, what's the rush?" I ask while wearing my seatbelts and she already starts the car.

"Qri said we have to be there because that someone who is responsible for spreading the rumors were in the company right now" She said.

I'm speechless.

What if my suspicions were right?

What if it's really grandma?

"Are you ok Ramie? You look tensed" Soyeonnie ask.

"I'm alright. I'm just thinking who that person possibly be" I said.

"Well there's no need to think hardly for that. We will meet that person as soon as we get there" She said and I just nod.

I'll be fine if it's someone else but seriously not my grandmother.

After few minutes more we arrive at the company.

Jiyeon was there outside it seems like she was waiting for someone.

"Jiyeonnie why are you here outside? And why are you leaping?" Soyeonnie ask her.

"Uhm it was nothing... Sis can I borrow Ramie for a second? Just wait for us in the conference room. The others were already there" She said to Soyeon.

"Ok. Don't take too long coz I might miss my Ramie" Soyeon said and kiss my cheek before she get inside.

I just smile to her.

I look at Jiyeon.

She is giving me a disgusted look.

"Don't give me that look. You and your Jungie can do things more disgusting than that" I said to her.

"Ok. I'll let you pass this time coz this is some kind of a 911 situation" She said.

"What? Why?" I curiously ask.

"I bet you Soyeon sis already told you that the one who's spreading the false rumor about our companies were here right?" She said.

"Yeah....Can please stop all the suspense part and tell me whatever it is that you were trying to say" I said to her coz she's making me nervous.

"Well ok. That one is your grandma" She said


I'm freaking out inside me but I can only give Jiyeon an empty stare.

"Yah Ramie! Are you still here with me?!" she ask while slightly shaking me.

"Grandma..." That's what I say.

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