Chapter 6

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After we got dismissed Soyeon immediately drag me with her.

"Yah Eunjung. Is it true? What Jiyeon said earlier?" She asks.

I know she would be reacting like this.

"Yeah" I simply said.

"Whoa! So you really take care of that brat?" She asks in surprise.

"She wasn't a brat Sso just a crazy girl. She just have her reasons to act tough" I said and Soyeon just give me a weird confused look.

I somehow understand Jiyeon.

I bet it's really hard for her that her own parents don't care at all.

I ignore Soyeon's look and we headed to the canteen to have our lunch.

Maybe now she will eat her meal after what happen to her yesterday.

Now I'm starting to think about her.

Can you believe it?

I was staring at Hyomin and Qri's direction but I was thinking about Park Jiyeon.

Maybe her craziness we're contagious but her lips are soft and sweet.

I'd like to taste it once again.




"NOWAY!" I didn't know that I voice out my thoughts already.

"No way what? Are you ok Eunjungie?" Soyeon curiously ask.


"Nothing don't mind me...uhm...what will we eat today?" I ask changing the topic.

Right when I'm just about to stand.

"Eunjung can we talk for a second?"

I was surprised.

It was Hyomin.

"H-huh?...o-ok" I said and stand up then follow her outside

We go to the school garden where Jiyeon drag me yesterday.

Argghh Jiyeon again.

What's wrong with you Eunjung?

Hyomin was right there in front of you yet you're thinking about the crazy girl.

You're such a pabo.

"So...uhm...what do you want to talk about?" I ask and look at her.

Gosh I miss her.

"Eunjung you have to know something" She said.

"What something?" I ask and she sighed.

"I never really love you. I really only see you as a friend right from the start" she said.


"Your Dad and my parents just force me to be with you in order to keep you out from isolating yourself to the world" she said.

I was just standing here frozen and stunned for all of those confessions.

So everything....

Everything was a lie?

"I'm sorry. Trust me I did try to love you but I only see you as a friend. I did try to make you hate me but it didn't work. I'm really sorry Eunjung" She said again.

"You're just saying that to make me stop. I won't stop Hyomin" I said and for some reasons it's hard for me to cry on this situation.

"Believe me Eunjung it's the truth." She said and looks down.

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