Chapter 40

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"I'm sorry. Who are you?" She asks.

That breaks my heart to million pieces.

"Jiyeon she's Eunjung. Can't you remember her?" Hyomin ask.

Jiyeon just look at her then back to me.

"E-excuse me" I said and walk outside the room.

I said that I won't give up on her but I don't know it's this painful to know that she's finally ok but she can't remember me.

Does it always have to be back from the very start when were almost getting there to being a happy couple?

I just stand here in the outside and cry.

I'm not giving up on her but it's just so painful right now that I need to let it out.

How many struggles do we have to be into before could finally be happy?

Why is it always like this?

"Eunjung" Soyeonnie came out.

I hug her and she just rubs my back to comfort me.

"She wanted to talk to you" she said.

"Can I talk to her some other time? I don't want her to see me like this" I said and wipe my tears.

"No. You have to talk to her right now" Hyojoon and Hyomin came out of the room.

"We are heading to the company too now that she's fine so please watch over her." Hyomin said

"Yeah. Boram is waiting for me outside too" Soyeon said and go downstairs with Hyojoon and Hyomin..

"But guys you're leaving me with Jiyeon who can't even remember me?" I ask them

They're being unbelievable.

"Yup. Just introduce yourself to her then Eunjung. Jiyeon is still Jiyeon. She just don't remember you" Soyeon said and they really left the house.


I took a deep breath before I get inside the room again.

I saw Jiyeon sitting in her bed.

She look at me.

"Uhm. Hey" That's the only thing that comes out of my mouth.

I walk closer to her and sat on the edge of the bed beside her.

"How are you feeling?" I ask

"I'm feeling ok now" She said.

"Uhm. I'm Ham Eunjung by the way." I said and smile to her.

"I'm Jiyeon. So we're friends? Unnie said we're very close" She said and I nod.

"Define very close" She said to me.


"Uhm we are super close" I just said

"Hmm. Why your eyes puffy? Did you cry?" she asks and cups my face which made me blushes.

Her face was so close to mine.

It's ok and I'd be comfortable she could remember me but she couldn't so it's a little bit awkward.

"I didn't cry. I'm ok." I said and slowly remove her hands on my face.

"Ok. Can you take me for a walk outside?" She asks.

"Sure" I said and she goes out of the bed.

I got surprised when she suddenly clings to my arm.

"I'm a bit dizzy" She said so I just let her be and take her outside the house.

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