Chapter 43

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I just keep looking around and I had no plan to move in my spot not unless I do remember which way is going back.

But it's really hard to remember which way is which when I'm not paying attention the whole time my feet is taking me here.

I look around once again.

Maybe I should push my luck and try to walk on that.....that way.

I will trust my gorgeous goddess instinct.

I was just about to take a step in my chosen path when suddenly I feel like...




That's what comes out on my mouth while I keep jumping with my eyes close.

I don't want to touch my head coz I don't want to touch whatever it is that's i there.

"Jiyeon Jiyeon!!"

I heard Jungie's voice but I didn't open my eyes.

I stop jumping when I feel that someone grabs my arms.

"Don't move. It's just a spider" She said.


"YAH! REMOVE IT REMOVE IT!!" I started to squeal since I really hate spiders.

"It's gone you can open your eyes now" Jungie said with a very serious tone of voice.

I open my eyes and she's having this expressionless face.

We started to follow that Ahjussi that's with her.

Jungie is being quiet and she's not talking to me.

"Jungie. Are you ok?" I ask .

"Hmm" That's what she just said to me.

She's mad I think.

"No everything is not ok. I know it" I said.

"Good thing that you know" She coldly answered and never talk to me again.

It's already dark when we get out of the woods.

"Thank you ahjussi. Please accept this in return" Jungie said and try to give money to ahjussi but he didn't accept it so we just thank him again and started to walk back to Ms. P's house.

Jungie was still being cold.

I stop walking so does she.

"Jungie can you tell me what's the problem?" I ask her this time coz I can't take it anymore.

"You're really asking me that question Park Jiyeon?!! Do you know that I get so worried about you especially when I found out that you got into the woods?!! I call you when you leave but you ignored me and continue walking!" She said raising her voice to me.

"I continue walking coz I know you'll never gonna go with me!" I raised my voice to her too.

"I didn't say I didn't want to! You make the kid cry that's why I'm trying to comfort her! Don't tell me that you're jealous over a kid?! Jiyeon it's a kid. Just a kid!" She said to me.

I can't believe we're fighting right now.

And I'm also certain that discussing this right now would get us nowhere so I just keep quiet.

"Let's go back now. The others are waiting" she said and started to walk

She didn't take my hand or even look at me.

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