Final Chapter

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Five years have gone so fast and I could say that I live in contentment with everything.

Well it's early in the morning and the sun started to rise.

I came home from my parent's house earlier and now I've just arrive home hearing a loud cry coming from our room.

I immediately rushed upstairs to check what's going on.

I found Soyeon and Ramyeon on the bed.

Our daughter was crying really hard.

"What happen?" I worriedly ask.

"Well, your daughter was complaining" Soyeonnie said.

"About what?" I ask.

"Omma!! Why did you name me Ramyeon?! I hate my name! I'm not a food!" She said and cries again.

"Why is she suddenly like this? She never complains about her name before" I said.

"Well, she heard this new advertisement on the TV and there..." Soyeonnie explains.

I sighed.

"Honey there's nothing bad in your name. It's a combination of your Mom's name and my name." I said trying to calm her down.

"But it was a food" She complains again.

I look at Soyeon to ask for help.

"I'm going to prepare breakfast" She said and hurriedly go outside the room.


"Well, yeah it is a food but only if you consider it as one." I said.

What a lame excuse Jeon Boram.

She still didn't stop crying.

How to stop this kid from crying?

"Hey stop crying. It's your birthday today and you're going to meet your cousins remember? You don't want them to see you with red eyes" I said.

And it did work.

She rubs her eyes cutely then she looks at me.

"Where's my gift Omma?" She asks.

Uh oh.

But I had an idea.

Mommy's department.

"Ask your Mommy about the gift. She have it" I said

And finally she smile.

She jump off the bed and run outside.

"Hey sweetie be careful" I said and followed her downstairs to her Mom in the kitchen.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" She excitedly approach Soyeon.

"Oh what is it baby?" Soyeon ask and look at me.

I just sit by the counter and wink at her.

"Omma said you had my gift. I wanna see it!" Ramyeon said.

"Oh the gift..." Soyeon was obviously surprised.

Well, it's not that we forgot about the gift but I was the one who's supposed to buy it and it's actually in the car now.

Soyeon and Ramyeon don't know about it.

"...your gift baby will be later at the party. Now go on and watch TV for a while. I'm not yet done with the breakfast" Soyeon said and our daughter runs back to the living room

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