Chapter 34

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"Oppa. It's night time. Why are you still wearing your glasses?" She asks me and that made me stop.

I gulp.


Who wears sunglasses at night?

She moves closer to me and take off my sunglasses.

I never thought I'll get busted this early.


She's staring at me right now.

Maybe she already recognizes me.


She suddenly smile sweetly.

"You're so handsome oppa. Don't cover your eyes" She said in a very sweet tone of voice.

I was mesmerized.

"Here" She said and handed me my sunglasses.

I can't believe it.

She really didn't recognize me?

Does she really think I'm a man?

We continue walking

"By the way I'm Jiyeon" She said introducing herself.

"I'm Eun-"

I suddenly forget that I can't speak right now.

I look at her and she's looks surprise.

Damn Ham Eunjung you messed up!!

"Wow oppa your voice too cute." She said with a smile on her face.

I sigh in relief.

But it's really a miracle that she can't recognize me.

Is five years long enough for her to forget me that easily?

Or maybe she really doesn't care about me now.

"Are you ok oppa?" She ask me and I got startled because she suddenly cup my face.

"H-huh?" I nervously ask.

She smile and pinch my cheeks hard lightly.

"Your face is so soft oppa and you act weird too. What was your name again?" She asks.

"I-I'm a-am. E....EJ. I'm EJ" I just said.

Now I'm really lying just to get near to her.

"EJ Oppa. You seem really nervous. Do you like me?" She asks me.


Why so straight forward?

I'm speechless.

"If I say yes would you run away?" I ask intentionally changing my voice.

She looks at me in the eyes.

There she goes again with the staring but I won't look away.

"Nope. It's not impossible for someone to fall in love with this gorgeous goddess" She said and laughs.

It made me smile.

What do I expect?

Jiyeon will be Jiyeon.

The one and only gorgeous goddess Park Jiyeon.

"To be honest oppa. I never go out with strangers but I feel so comfortable around you. You seem to be a nice guy. Aren't you?" she asks me.

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