Chapter 56

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We are now back here in the house.

Jiyeon was still avoiding me.

We go upstairs to our room.

I was the last one to enter.

I have to know why she's being like this.

"Baby" I said.

She was there standing by the closet getting her clothes.

"Hmm?" She just said without even looking at me.

I sat on the bed and sigh.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask her.

She stop what she's doing and look at me.

"You're avoiding me since we arrive in here. You're being cold. It's killing me so please tell me if I did something wrong" I said to her.

It's a bit frustrating that she's acting like this towards me.

She walk closer and sat beside me.

"You have done nothing wrong Jungie. You're not the problem here...It's me." She said while looking down.

What does she mean by she's the problem?

I can't help but to feel nervous when she said that.

"W-What do you mean? Pl-please don't tell me that you don't love me anymore. Jiyeon please. I love you so much" I hold her hand and pleaded to her.

This can't be happening.

I already planned to propose to her in here.

"If I had to kneel and beg I would. Please don't leave me" I said.

She frown at me so I get off the bed ready to kneel but....

"Yah! Sit there and don't kneel. What are you talking about? I'm not leaving you. I love you ok?" She said to me.

"You love me?" I ask her.

I wanted to make sure that she still really love me.

"Yes. I love you ok. " She said again.

I sighed in relief.

I thought I'd lost her.

"So what do you mean by you're the problem?" I ask and she suddenly look away


Is she blushing?

"Why your face so red baby? You're acting weird. Can you please explain to me what's going on?" I ask.

"You'll laugh at me if I told you" She said.

"Huh? I promise I won't laugh at you. Tell me what is it?" I ask.

She became quiet.

So I patiently wait for her to say something

"AHHH! IT'S BLING'S FAULT!" She said while ruffling her hair.

"Bling?" I cluelessly ask.

"Bling told me something before we left" she said still looking down.

"Ok. What did she say to you?" I ask.

"She said that we are asdfghjkasdfghjkl" She said but I don't understand the last part.

"What is it baby?" I ask again.

She look at me and pout.

I'm really curious what did Bling said to her to make her act this way.

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