Chapter 38

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We are having dinner right now here at the backyard.

"Eunjung don't you like the food?" Dad asks.

It's Qri's Dad Mr. Lee. He accepted me as his daughter and allows me to call him Dad.

"I like the food. It's all delicious." I said and force a smile to him.

It's just that I can't be happy at this moment coz I'm damn worried about Jiyeon.

I feel like I lost my second chance to win her back.

It's kinda frustrating for me.

"Oh uncle. Eunjung unnie becomes workaholic. She always think about business." Areumie said.

"Really? I heard that the company was slowly recovering. Don't take it way too serious or you'll grow old fast" Dad said to me and they all laugh.

Then we heard the doorbell rings.

"I'll go get it" Mom said.

"No Mom. I'll just get it" Qri said but Mom stops her and leaves to check who's there.

"We should have gatherings like this more often "Soyeon said.

"Yeah. We see each other every day but we're too busy and mostly talking about business which is kinda stressful" Boram said.

"Really Ramie? You're stressed? But you still look like a baby to me" Soyeon said teasing her.

"Oh c'mon don't show us your moment SoRam it's disgusting. Hyorongie?" Bling said and try to feed Hyojoon.

"Yah! Han Boreum! I told you I don't like you for my brother!" Hyomin yelled at her.

"But Hyojoon likes me Hyomin-ah" Bling said and kiss Hyojoon's cheek which made him surprise but he still smile at Bling.


"Oh...My..Gosh! Oppa andwae!!" Hyomin said freaking out.

"Minnie just let them be at least now you're sure that Bling was not into me" Qri said to her and Hyomin just pout.

"Hey we had visitors"

Mom came back with someone.


My heart beats fast.

I wanna run to her and explain and also beg for forgiveness if needed but....

She's with Hyeri again.

What is this?

She's not going to listen to me again and runaway with Hyeri?

"Why are you here?" Hyojoon coldly ask them.

"This is no time to talk about business. It's Mrs. Lee's birthday. Maybe we could just talk about it tomorrow at the office." Boram said.

They were all being cold.

I'm fine if Jiyeon came here alone but she brought Hyeri with her and its not cool.

"Guys don't be like that. They say they have a very important thing to say" Mom said.

"What? Are they getting married? We don't care just leave now." Hyomin ask.

"We didn't come here for that or whatever you're thinking! Before you hate Jiyeon can you please listen to me?!" Hyeri said raising her voice

"Hyeri please not here and not now. Don't ruin this day for Mom" Qri tries to talk to them calmly.

"We can't waste time anymore you have to know the truth now." Hyeri insisted

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