Chapter 24

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I'm going home right now with Jiyeon.

The three of us needs to talk to our parents.

I was driving and Jiyeon keeps sighing.

"You're nervous" I said.

She didn't respond.

"This is the first time I saw you that nervous because of facing Mom and Dad" I tease her to lighten the atmosphere.

I'm really nervous too.

Maybe much more than she is but I'm have to be strong

I can't let what happen before happen again.

She sighed.

"I'm just worried about lots of things. I'm worried that they will take you and oppa away from me and I'm worried that she would keep threatening me with the worst thing I can imagine just to force me disappear like what she ever wanted. And most of all, I can't imagine my life without Jungie now." she said and she look really frustrated.

"Don't worry. We won't give up on this even if it's us against our parents. I promise you this time that I'll never really leave you alone. This is for real now Jiyeonnie" I said to her and hold her hand.

"Thank you unnie" she just said.

I stop my car and in front of our mansion.

I took a deep breath before we go outside the car.

"Are you ready?" I ask Jiyeon and she nod.

"Young Lady Hyomin I believe your Mom and your Dad wouldn't be happy to see Young Lady Jiyeon" Kahi interrupted us.

"Nah. It's ok. Jiyeon is my sister. She's family and this is her house too" I said and pull Jiyeon inside the house.

"We're home!" I said.

Oppa smile when he saw Jiyeon.

"Jiyeonnie" He said and approaches Jiyeon.

"I miss you oppa" Jiyeon said and hug him.

"Why did you bring her here Hyomin?" Mom asks.

"She's our sister and it's our house Mom. If you can't treat her like your own daughter then there's nothing we can do about it but you can't separate us" I said.

"What did you just said Park Sunyoung? How dare you talk to me like that?" Mom angrily said but she's not yet raising her voice.

"We wanted to see grandpa's Last Will and Testament" Jiyeon said.

Mom and Dad looks surprise.

Kyul's Dad found out that his father was grandpa's lawyer. He said that nothing was really left to our Mom because everything was left to the three of us.

But the thing is we know nothing about it.

"And why do you want to see Dad's last will and testament?" Mom asks.

"Because we just heard news that grandpa left something for me and Hyojoon too. Not just Jiyeon." I said.

"Dad left the company to Hyojoon and the remaining properties were left to Hyomin except for the one that is left to Jiyeon" Dad said.

Grandpa left the company to oppa?

"But Hyojoon and Hyomin's inheritance were now under your Mom's name. You two signed the papers for that" Dad added.

I knew it.

They tricked us!

"We're not after those inheritance. You can have everything including the gold bars that grandpa left to me. You can have it all. Just let us go and live peacefully" Jiyeon said.

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