Chapter 62

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I go to my car and leave the house secretly.

I have to hurry before Jiyeon notice that I'm not around.

You see since she got pregnant her dino mode instantly turns on when she didn't see me so I have to be always near her.

I need to get to the venue to check if myself if everything was all set because by the time the sun sets.

I'll be marrying Jiyeon.

We have to get married now because she's already pregnant and there's no reason for us to delay that.

We have to get married before MinKyul.

I can't help but to smile while imagining our wedding.

"Finally she'll be my wife" I said to myself.

"I won't let you marry her!"

I suddenly hit the break and bump my forehead on the wheels.

"You're an ugly ahjumma and a reckless driver!" He said to me.


"Yah! Why are you here?! And did you get in my car?!" I raise my voice to him.

What if we get into an accident?!

He just look at me with his arms crossed.

How did this kid even got there in the backseat?!

"Yah! Get out!" I said to him.

I'm in a hurry and I have no time to his fuss.

"No! I won't leave! I won't let you marry Jiyeon noona!" He insisted.

I ruffled my hair.

"Hey kid! Jiyeon won't marry you so let it go! You know why? Because first, she love me and second, we're having a baby and third you're just a kid for heaven sake! You can't even take care of yourself yet and now you dare to talk about marriage?!" I blurted out.

This kid is making me mad.

I have to hurry before Jiyeon notice that I'm gone or her dino mode will turn on again.

"I don't care what you're saying! I won't let you marry Jiyeon Noona! I love her and I will fight for her!" He insisted.

Why this kid so stubborn??

"How can you be so sure that you love her? Do you feel like you can't breathe when she's gone? Like the colors in your life where all gone when she's not around. Did you ever feel like your heart is going to explode when she's right there beside you? Did you ever found yourself falling in love with her despite of her flaws? And most of all can give up your happiness just to see her be happy? If you did feel all of those then I'll believe that you really love her" I said.

I don't mean to be poetic but I'm running out of options here.

I want to punch him but he's just a kid.

He sits properly with his arms cross.

"Send me home" He said.


"Great now you're making me your driver kid?" I said

I sighed and start driving again.

I just remember that I am in hurry!!

I better send this kid home.

I drive as fast as I can all the way to his house.

"Now we're here. What are you waiting for?" I ask him coz I already stop the car right in front if their house but it seems like he had no plan of leaving.

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