Chapter 7

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Hyomin is here in Korea for more than two months already but why is that girl looking for her?

Good thing that she doesn't recognize me or else she wouldn't believe me.

I have nothing to do with this but I can't help but feel nervous.

Park Hyomin what did you do?

When did you become this brave that the dragon has to send her here to look for you?


Park Jiyeon you're out of this thing.

You hate Park Hyomin and you don't care about her.

I just get inside the classroom and it was a surprise that there's no Park Jiyeon you're late!! coming out from my professor's mouth.

"Miss Park are you feeling ok now?" My professor asks me.


Feeling ok?

"Huh? Wae?" I curiously ask.

"Miss Ham said you had a terrible stomach ache." She said.

I look at Eunjung and she winks at me.


But this gorgeous goddess was still sulking at her.

"I'm feeling better now Miss. Thank you for the concern" I said and she let me go to my seat.

I rolled my eyes to Jungie and ignore her.

I'm sulking.

And right I'm sulking at her.

So don't look at her Park Jiyeon even if she's so cute and charming and pretty but not prettier than the gorgeous goddess which is me.

Don't fall easily on her charming smile and her soft sweet lips FOR NOW

You don't dare imagine kissing her FOR NOW.

Never ever FOR NOW that you're sulking.

She doesn't smell good too nope you don't like her scent and she's not huggable FOR NOW.

And stop thinking about her FOR NOW.

"Psst Jiyeon" I heard her calling me.

No Jiyeon don't look.

Her voice is not music to your ears FOR NOW

"Jiyeonnie" She calls me again.

What happen to the diligent student Ham Eunjung?

Isn't she afraid of getting caught and get scolded?

Ignore her Jiyeon

That's what I keep saying to myself inside my head.

Anyway, I just notice that I keep going to school and attend class but I never pay attention to what is my professor saying or what she's teaching.

To be honest I don't even know what subject is this.

This gorgeous goddess only takes note of the time to go to school nothing else.

While I was thinking about random things a piece of paper appears on my table.

Not magically but someone place it in there.

Hey, Why ignoring me?

That is what's written on the piece of paper.

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