Chapter 27

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I followed Eunjung in the garden.

"You didn't walk out because she didn't obey you right?" I ask her and sit beside her on the bench

She looks at me and sigh.

"Jiyeon tried to follow you but I stop her. She's crying right now" I said and she just looks down.

"You can tell me what's bothering you" I said.

She sighed again.

"I'm being disturbed by a stupid dream. Seriously, Hyeri was a threat" She said and I giggled.

"You were a threat to me way back then but I do trust Hyomin's love to me. I told her before that if she loves you I'm willing to let her be with you. Fortunately, she choose to stay with me but if in case things happen the other way around, maybe I'm still trying to move on right now" I said.

"You're not afraid to lose her?" She asks.

"Of course I am afraid but I didn't own her and I love her. I can't control her just like what her parents does to her. It's her choice as a person and me. I'll just be contented seeing her happy even though it's not because of me but I'm lucky that she stays" I said to her.

"I love Jiyeon too but losing her unimaginable. I don't know what will I do without her" she said.

"So you think that marrying her will make her stay?" I ask her.

Soyeon and Boram told me that a while ago.

"That's the only way I know that nothing can break us" She said

"Marriages can be broken. There were these things called divorce. If you are meant to be together you'll be together no matter what happen Eunjung. Even if you're million miles away to each other, whoever comes in between you'll still be together. "I said.

"But I'm determined to marry her" She said.

She's serious.

"Ok but don't do it like you're going to propose today or tomorrow. Do it after graduation" I said and she nodded.

"You'll help me right?" she asks.

"I wish I could but I can't" I said and sigh.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I'm leaving" I said.

"Mwo? Where to? Does Hyomin know this?" She asks.

"Canada. I have to be there. My Dad needs me there and I'm leaving this Saturday. I can't tell Hyomin yet because I know that she will be sad especially when she found out that I'm going with Bling" I said.

But I know I have to tell Hyomin as soon as possible.

"So you're not be around on our graduation day" she said.

"Seems like it. Don't worry Mom will still be around" I said to her and she just smile.

"Can you watch over Hyomin for me? Maybe ask her to help you for your proposal so she won't be lonely" I said to her.

"Really? You're leaving Hyomin to me?" she asks and giggles.

"Yup. You're my sister right? So we should have each other's back and I'm very sure that Hyomin is not your type coz your type is someone like Park Jiyeon" I said and she giggles.

"Arasso. I'll look over Mom too so good luck to your trip. How long will you be gone?" she asks.

"Five months I think. But I wish to finish things earlier than scheduled. It's not only Minnie who's gonna miss me. I'm going to miss her too. You should make sure that no one will ever try to flirt with her" I said.

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