Chapter 32

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"Hello Eunjung unnie. It's been a while." I greeted her with a smile.




That was a hard slap there.

"I came here to meet Miss PJY and not you!" she said.

Seems like she had no clue who is Ms. PJY.

That's even better.

She never change.

She hates me so much and that only means she still love Jiyeon.

"Miss PJY sent me here to meet you just like what Qri unnie sending you here to meet me" I said ignoring the fact that she slap me.

I lied to Jiyeon.

Meeting them again will be too risky.

Jiyeon might be in danger if I won't be careful with everything.

She turn her back on me and was about to walk away.

"If you get out of that door you lose your chance on saving your step-sister's company" I said to her and she stop.

I can see that she's clenching her fist.


Too much hatred.

"Why did you do that?" she asks.

"Did what?" I curiously ask.

She turns around and grabs my collar.

"Don't act innocent! Why did you sabotage my proposal for Jiyeon?!" She angrily said.

So it was a proposal for Jiyeon and not for Hyomin.


I should've known.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Eunjung unnie." I said coolly.

I'm telling the truth.

In fact I have no idea that she would propose on that night.

"You did that so you can have Jiyeon! Where is Jiyeon?! What other lies did you tell her to make her stay away from us?" She asks.

I sighed.

I remove her hands on my collar and push her a little.

Jiyeon will always and forever love this girl.

How sad but I can't let them be together.

I'm sorry Jiyeon.

"I believe you came here to discuss about business matters and not those stuffs. If you will just continue to waste my time then you can leave now" I said and go to my chair.

She took a deep breath.

"Fine. I will only talk to you because my sister's company needs you but don't even think that were cool" She said.

I just smile.

Dealing with hot tempered people like her was not new to me.

I've been experiencing that every day for the past years with Jiyeon.

She started to blabber about the deal and I wasn't actually paying attention.

I have to accept them anyway no matter what coz I already lie to Jiyeon and if she found out that I turned them down she will kill me for sure.

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