Chapter 8

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Eunjung and I go home at the same time but using different cars coz I already take my car with me.

"Hey" She approach me when we get out of our cars

"Wae?" I ask and lean on my car.

"There's a field trip next week" She said.

"Cool. How long?" I ask.

"Prof says it's for a week" She said.

"Cooler! I can stay at home and sleep for the whole week" I said happily.

"Eh? You're not joining? It's a requirement for our midterm" She said.

"Nah. A gorgeous goddess will not join if it's just because of that" I said.

"I'm joining too. Isn't that enough? Won't you be missing me for a week?" She asks and I just stare at her.

She's obviously trying to convince me to join but this gorgeous goddess is not interested to that thing.

"I'll miss you" she said and I was surprise.

She seemed surprise of what she just said too.

"What did you say Jungie?" I ask her teasingly

"Huh? N-nothing" She said and turns around then hurriedly goes to her house.

"Jungie if you miss me I'm just right here!" I said to her before I get inside my house with a smile.

I go to my room and slump myself on the bed.

The smile on my face still not fading

"Park Jiyeon. You're really a gorgeous goddess. I'm so proud of you" I said to myself.

I just change and stayed there in my room for a while.

I keep thinking

Oppa was still alive.

I'm happy that he was alive coz I thought he really is dead but I wonder why my parents wanted to keep it from me.

And why did the dragon send Kahi to look for Hyomin?

I wanted to know but I'm too afraid to ask.


I shouldn't care about those things.

I go downstairs and then to the kitchen.

I don't know how to cook and I'm lazy to cook. Haha

Maybe that thing didn't match the gorgeous goddess.

Then, I have a bright idea.

Jungie knows how to cook so I'll just ask her for some.

I immediately go outside and go to Jungie's house.

The gate was open so I get inside.

I excitedly pressed the doorbell until she opens the door.

She was frowning at me.

"Yah! You can ring it three times." She irritably said.

"Mianhae. I'm just too excited." I said with a smile on my face.

She sighed.

"Why are you here?" She asks.

"Can I have dinner here? I don't know how to cook. Please" I pleaded to her.

"Oh my Gosh. Now it's my responsibility to feed you? Park Jiyeon you're courting me and it's a major turn off" she said.

I pout.

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