Chapter 15

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I wake up and notice that it's already morning.

I'm alone here in the bed.

What happen yesterday?

The only thing I remember is that Jiyeon leave me in this room and I fall asleep after that I can't remember anything.

Heol maybe I sleep for a long time.

I just get up and prepare myself but why does my back hurts?

Was it because I sleep too much?

But the pain was different.

Nah. Maybe that's the reason.

I know that we're leaving today and we have to go back home.

Anyway I go outside the room and found them having breakfast.

"Good morning" I greeted them.

"Good morning Eunjungie. Did you enjoy your sleep?" Soyeon greeted me with a playful smile on her face.


What does that means?

I ignore it and sat beside Jiyeon.

My beautiful Jiyeonnie who smell so nice.

"Jiyeonnie. Why aren't you eating yet?" I ask her.

She's just looking down at her plate.

Is there something wrong?

My eyes then lower down to her neck.

I love that neck so much.


I notice something on her neck.

"What happen to your neck?" I ask her and try to touch it but she move away.

"H-huh? Uhmm...It's...uhmm." she said while looking down.

It's too obvious that she's avoiding to make an eye contact with me.

What's wrong?

"You know Eunjungie. There's a vampire here in the house last night" Hyojoon said and they giggled while Jiyeon was just looking down.

A vampire???

"They don't exist" I said

Are they playing tricks on me?

"Oh gotta believe it. There's really a vampire last night and she fall in love with Jiyeon" Hyomin said and they giggle again.

"Mwo?!" that makes me clench my fist under the table.

Jiyeon is only mine.

I will kill that vampire if I see her.

How dare she fall in love with my girl?

"And guess what Eunjung." Soyeon said.

"What?" I ask.

I'm frowning right now.

I just can't hide it.

Jiyeon is only mine and she can't fall in love with somebody else

"That vampire pinned Jiyeon right into that wall and started to you know the thing on the neck part" Soyeon said and they all laugh again.


Jiyeon suddenly stand up.

"I'm going to prepare my things" She said and hurriedly walks towards the room.

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