Chapter 9

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I came back here in Korea more than two months ago but I never been to this room again till now.

This room is where me, Jiyeon and oppa sleeps and play.

This is where I left Jiyeon.



It was one night before we sleep.

A day after our birthday.

"Oppa, Jiyeonnie have you heard the story about the ghost?" I ask them.

Jiyeon is lying between me and oppa.

We love to sleep together coz we're very close.

"Ehh unnie. I don't want to hear it" Jiyeon said and hide under the blanket.

Oppa and I laugh at her.

"I want to go and see it myself" I said.

"Eh? You? You don't even want to see a ghost on TV and now you wanted to see a real ghost Minnie?" Oppa said to me and I pout.

"I'm just curious. They say the ghost was made of ice cream" I said.

"Ice cream?!"

Jiyeon get up upon hearing that.

I didn't even know if it's true.

"C'mon unnie let's check it out. I wanna taste a ghost ice cream!" Jiyeon says.

"Jiyeonnie it's already night. Mom and Dad won't allow us to go outside" Oppa said.

Jiyeon was always the brave one on the tree of us though she might be scared at first but she still want to give it a try. Hyojoon oppa he's more like the trying-to-be-brave one because you know, he was the guy while me, I'm scared about lots of things and the thing that I'm scared the most, that's to disappoint our parents.

"They wouldn't know if we will use grandpa's secret passage" Jiyeon said.

This mansion was owned by our grandparents. They both passed away when we are still young but grandpa told us a secret passage to this house.

"Fine, but we'll be quick. It's dangerous outside." Oppa said.

And with that we go outside the house using the secret passage under the bed.

We come out right in the woods at the back of our house.

It's not a forest. There's just many trees.

That night why we are waiting for the ghost. We heard someone is coming so we hide behind the big tree.

We heard that those guys were planning to rob our house.

"Let's get outta here" I said coz I'm already scared.

"If we leave here they will see us" Oppa said.

"But if we do nothing they will rob our house" Jiyeon said.

"But what can we do?" I ask.

"Let's run towards the gate." Jiyeon said.

"No! Mom and Dad will be mad at us" I said.

"But we can't just stay he-"

"Who's there?!"

We heard a man's voice and we immediately cover our mouth and try not to create any noise.

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