Chapter 60

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Finally we arrive in Korea.

Jiyeon keeps asking me for ice cream when we are still on the plane. She's been pouting like this since a while ago because of ice cream.

I bought ice cream in a cone for her.

"Here baby. Your ice cream" I said and handed it to her.

"Just eat that Jungie. I don't feel like eating ice cream anymore. I want something else this time" She said.

Wow did she really just say no to ice cream??

"Oh ok." I said and just eat the ice cream even though I don't feel like eating this kind of food right now.

We separate ways for a while when we got home.

I go to my room to change and then go downstairs.

I got surprise when I saw Jiyeon in the living room sitting comfortably on the couch

Did she miss me so fast?

"Hey baby. Miss me already" I ask and sit beside her.

"Nobody's home." She said and lie down resting her head on my lap.

"So what do you plan to do now? Sleep again?" I ask her.

"Nope. Let's get married" She said.


"Mwo? Right now? Seriously?" I ask her.

I know we will get married but not right now.

We haven't even prepare anything yet for our wedding.

She get up and look at me.

Uh oh.

She looks serious.

"I'm serious Jungie. Let's get married now" she said.

" we can't get married right now you see we are not yet eve-"

"You don't want to marry me?!" She ask with a frown on her face interrupting me

"No...I mean Yes. I want to marry you of co-"

"If you don't want to marry me right now then fine!" She said and stand up.

She take off the ring on her finger and thrown it to me before she walks away.

What just happen?

I didn't chase her coz I was disappointed.

I'm being reasonable here.

I didn't say I don't want to marry her I just said we can't get married right now!

Does she really love me?

I grab my keys and get into my car.

"Because I just said we can't get marry yet she will walk away and throw her ring on me?!" I can't help but to get annoyed while driving.

She's just so unbelievable.

I go to the company.

Maybe I'll just go to work instead of stressing myself.

"Eunjung you're here already. Where's Jiyeon?" Ri ask as she came to the office.

I sighed.

"I don't get her Ri. I've been doing all that she want. Anything! But she just give her ring back to me because I can't marry her right away! I didn't even say that I don't want to marry her I just said that we can't do it right now!" I said to Ri letting it out.

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