Chapter 63

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Jiyeon was fast asleep.

"You should rest well for our wedding later." I said to her.

"Hmm" She said and snuggled closer.

I smile.

She's answering me even though she's asleep.

"You're so cute baby" I said and kiss the top of her head.

I check the clock.

It's 2pm already.

Maybe I could sleep for an hour too.



I search for my phone with my eyes still close.

I could feel Jiyeon's hug tightens too.

"Hello" I answer my phone with a husky voice.

I don't know who's calling anyway coz I didn't even bother checking it.

I just press the answer button with my half closed eyes.

"I knew you two we're sleeping. Your wedding remember? Check the clock"

I heard Hyomin from the other line.

That made me fully awake.

I check the time and it was a minute before three.

"Gosh! Thanks for calling Hyo. We could've overslept." I said.

"Welcome. Now you better start waking my Tweeny up" She said and we hang up.

I set aside my phone and look at Jiyeon.

She was still sleeping peacefully but I had to wake her up now.

"Baby. Wake up now" I whispered to her and shake her lightly.

She just move a little and snuggled closer accidentally brushing her lips to mine.

I smile

"Baby we have a date remember?" I said convincing her to wake up.

"Let's do it tomorrow. I feel sleepy. Our baby wants to sleep" She just said.

"But we can't do it tomorrow. We have to do it now baby." I insisted and get up so that she would open her eyes.

And she did and she actually gets up but she was pouting.

"Where are we going that I have to force myself to wake up?" She irritably asks.

There she goes again.

Her dino mode was triggered again.

I better be careful.

"Baby I've got a surprise prepared for you and you'll love it so we can't do it tomorrow" I said to her.

I didn't plan to tell her that but this is some kind of emergency so I kinda have to.

"Surprise? Is that the reason why you left earlier?" She asks in awe.

"Yeah kind of so please. Don't be mad at me" I pleaded to her.

"Ok. Ok. I'll just change" She said and go out of the bed.

I prepare myself too so that we could leave now.

After few minutes...

"Ready?" I ask

"Yup. Let's go!" She excitedly said and clings on my arm.

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