Chapter 21

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"Jungie I have to tell you something" Jiyeon said.

"What?" I ask.

I knew there's something bothering her.

She bit her lower lip and I her grip on my shirt tightens.

"Wae Baby? Tell me what's wrong?" I ask her.

I can't help but to feel nervous at this situation.

She look at me and her eyes gone teary.

"Hey, say something. You're seriously going to freak me out" I said.

She took a deep breath.

"Remember the day when we officially are together as a couple?" She said.

"Yes. Of course I do remember that day. How can I forget that when it's the most magical day of my life?" I said to her but I'm still nervous.

"'re not going to tell me that it was all a joke right?" I ask her.

"What if I tell you it is?" She asks.

"Hmm. I won't believe you. I see the way your eyes sparkle every time you look at me like this. Plus I'm really handsome now. There's no way you're going to let me go" I said proudly to her.

She smile and pinch my nose.

"It's true but you don't have to mention the obvious baby" She said and kiss my lips.

"Ok. So that's not what you're trying to tell me." I said.

"Yes, it's not that" She said and became serious again.

I waited for her to tell me.

We are just staring into each other and it's really obvious that she's afraid of something.

She sat up and look at me.

"What baby? Tell me. Don't be scared. I love you no matter what." I said to her.

She sat on the bed too and hugs me.

She buried her head on the crook of my neck.

"I meet my parents on that day with your Dad" She said and hugs me tighter.


"My Dad? Why is he here?" I ask.

"They want me to disappear." She said.

"What?!" I'm getting confused.

I make her face me

"Baby. Please explain it to me. I don't get it" I said.

"They let me sign an agreement that I will leave after graduation and never show up again. They know about our plan Jungie. They know what's the real score between you and Hyomin unnie. They want me to disappear coz they want you to marry Hyomin for the merging their companies." She said..

My Dad did that?

All this time I thought he cares for me.

"Just that?" I ask coz I don't think she will sign a stupid agreement for that reason.

She shook her head.

"My grandfather left something important under my name. I remember him telling me before that he wanted me to take care of it. The problem is I don't know what is it but my parents do. They will only let me have it if I follow the agreement" She explains.

"That's ridiculous Jiyeon! They want you to disappear?! If they want that I'd rather forget that he is my father!...Please don't do this baby. I don't want to be away from you" I said and pleaded her.

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