Chapter 61

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"Is it what I think it is?" Boram ask.

Eunyeon just left right now.

"I guess so. Jiyeon ate everything in the fridge then she throw up. Then, she just go upstairs to change and started to crave for food again" Minnie said.

"So we are all thinking here that Jiyeon is pregnant" I said and they all nodded.

"I'm sure Eunjung knows how to handle her fiancée but they have to get married as soon as possible" Soyeon said.

"Right. But we all know Eunjung. She knows what to do at this situation" I said.

"Agree. So I guess we have to go home now. Soyeonnie needs to rest" Boram said and they bid goodbye.

Now there's just me and Minnie.

There's no declaration of war between us but I do feel awkward.

We're just standing there without saying a single word and we didn't even bother to look at each other.

"Sorry" She mutters.

I look at her and she was looking down.

"For what?" I ask.

"For leaving without telling you...." She said

I didn't respond.

Not because I hate her but because I don't know what should I say to her.

"Sorry for arguing with you about the surname. Now I want you to know that I'm more than willing to be Mrs. Lee as long as you'll be the one that I will marry" She said and this time she was looking at me.

I'm speechless but I'm happy.

"Do still want to marry me Kyul?" She step closer and hold my hand.

I smile to her.

"Of course I'll marry you" I said and pull her into a hug.

"We won't argue about this again alright?" I said to her.

"We never argue" She said to me and we laugh.

"So you wanna go home now or you still wanted stroll for a while?" I ask.

"Let's just stay here for a while. We've got nothing to do at home" She said and we walk around holding each other's hand.


Jungie and I were still here in the hospital waiting for the result but I had this strong feeling in me that it's positive.

Hospitals still makes me feel uncomfortable and I'm wishing to leave this place as soon as possible.

What's helping me to stay in here without freaking out is Jungie holding my hand.

What's funny is that she looks excited and more nervous than me.

She's squeezing my hand while shaking her legs.

"Baby" She called me out.

I just look at her.

"Don't be scared ok. Just relax coz I'm here beside you" She said and that makes me giggle.

"Jungie I'm nervous but not as nervous as you are" I said to her

"Right. I can't just help it you know." She said.

"I know but calm down. I had a strong feeling that I'm carrying our first baby inside me" I said and place her hand over my tummy.

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