Chapter 14

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"That someone that your Dad asks you to watch over. Is that a kid?" Jiyeon keeps asking me about since I told her about that.

We're just sitting here on the bed. I was back hugging her while my head rest on her shoulder.

"No. Just a year younger than us" She said

"Eh? Why do you have to watch over her then? She could take care of herself. I did that years ago since I turn six" She said.

I smell her.

Her scent was so sweet.

I want her to feel that I love her even though I'm still waiting for her to impress me before I confess my feelings to her.

She's been lonely since she was six.

She had a tough childhood.

That makes me want to protect her more.

"I don't know. Maybe because she's new here in Korea" I said.

"But she's still not a kid anymore for you to watch over. Duh" She said

I smile.

I think she's jealous.

I buried my face on the crook of her neck

I really can't stop myself from smelling her.

"H-hey it tickles Jungie" She said and giggle.

This is not right.

Control yourself Ham Eunjung.

"Why you keep on asking me about that her? Let's not talk about her." I said.

"I'm just afraid that you'll be too busy watching over her." She said pout.

I giggle.

"Don't worry I'll never be too busy for you." I said trying to be sweet.

She smiles.

"You're being sweet" she said.

"Nope. I was born like this" I said and kiss her cheeks.

She got surprise with what I did but I'm more surprise that she was.

Gosh. I really have to control myself around her.

"I like that. Can you give me another one?" She asks.

Stay cool and calm Ham Eunjung.

"Nope. You have to work hard for that" I said.

And buried my face again on the crook of her neck.

She's addictive.

It makes me wanna kiss her neck because she smells so good.


I need control.

Maybe I should stop smelling her

I tried to convince myself with that but I can't help myself.

Being this close to her is driving me insane and making me a little bit dizzy.

Yeah. I feel a little dizzy like literally.

"When will she arrive?" She suddenly asks again.

She's being anxious about this.

"I don't know. Dad didn't tell me....Let's not talk about her and stop thinking too much" I said to her.

I can't think of something to talk about but i just want to hug her.

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