Chapter 55

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He can't be my classmate.

He can't be here in the same school with me.

"Your school?? Sweetheart you didn't own this school" He said.

"I'M NOT YOUR SWEETHEART!" I yelled again and he covers his ears.

"Is she always like this? Yelling to the top of her lung?" He ask our classmates.

I glare at them so they just pretend that they didn't hear Jasper.

"Wow. I guess you're the Queen in here." He said

He stands up and sits beside me.

"Yah! Stay away from me!" I said and tried to push him but he's being persistent.

"So I haven't seen Jiyeon noona. Where is she?" He ask.

"She's in Singapore with Eunjung unnie and they're making a baby" I said.

Well, that is what Bling unnie have told me.

"NOWAY!" He suddenly said.

I frown.

"Stop squealing. Are you gay?" I ask him.

"What?! I wasn't squealing and I'm not gay!" He said.

I look at him while raising my eyebrow.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask him again with a hint of teasing in my voice.

He smirks.

"Ah I know what you're tryin' to do...." He said still wearing that ugly smirk on his face.

"I wasn't trying to do anything" I said and frown.

"Yes you are. You wanted me to kiss you that's why you're teasing me" He said.


He's being unbelievable.

"You know you don't have to do it Sweetheart. I could give you a kiss just ask for it" He said and pucker his lips with his eyes close and slowly leaning forward.

"YAH!! PERVERT!!" I yelled at him and punch his face.

Well, I never actually plan to punch his face but because I freak out it happens.

"Ouch! Why did you do that to my handsome face?!" He irritably ask.

It was his fault but I suddenly felt guilty when I saw the small cut on the side of his lips

I look down and started to ignore him.

Why do I have to feel guilty?

It was his fault and not mine.

Our teacher came and I wasn't really paying attention to her.

Jasper was still there sitting beside me.

I wonder why he didn't switched sits to our classmates after I punch him.

But the cut on his lips makes him look like a bad boy

Well, I'm sure he does if were a little bit more older.

But I find him charming and cool.

"Hannah the lesson was right here in front and not on Jasper's face"

I get back on my senses when I heard teacher said that.

My classmates giggled.

Jasper look at me and give me a wink.

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