Chapter 19

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It's been a week already and now we're back to school.

I haven't talk to Jiyeon these past few days because I'd been busy.

I also didn't know what happen to her and Eunjung but I hope Jiyeon would listen to Eunjung's explanation.

"I'm leaving!" I said to my parents while wearing my shoes.

"Sweetheart it's still too early. Did you miss your school that much?" Appa ask me.

"I'm not Appa. I wouldn't be excited for school because today we are going to receive our punishment." I said.

I just remember that stupid punishment.

"Right and I hope it will be the last. There's only two months left and it'll be your graduation. I don't you to create trouble that would lead to you not graduating. Arasso?" Omma said to be.

"Neh. I understand" I said.

"By the way why are you leaving so early today? Your class starts at 9:30 right?" She asks again.

"Neh but I'm going to Soyeonnie today" I said.

"Honey you go outside to see Soyeon every day" Appa said

"Yup and this day was included to everyday" I said and smile to them.

They just look at each other and shrug.

"Bye Omma Bye Appa" I said to them and leave

That's what I've been busy.

Being with Soyeon.

I'm courting her. I know that but it seems like she doesn't care at all.

I know she's being anxious about my freakin' obsession about weddings but it's not like I'm already asking her to marry me.

She's getting too much pressure from her so much advance thinking

I wanted us to last forever but I don't want to rush our relationship.

I wanted to show her that it could last and not everyone would end up like what happen to her Mom and Dad.

I take a cab up to Soyeonnie's house.

I decided to wait for her outside till she come out.

I was walking here back and forth in front of their gate when it suddenly opens and a woman comes out.

I got nervous.

What to do?

What to do?

"A-annyeong haseyo Mrs. Park" I greeted her.

"Oh please. Call me Ms. Ham. I'm not Mrs. Park anymore. I'm single" she said.

Right, I almost forgot that she's Eunjung's aunt.

"Ah y-yeah. Ms. Ham" I said.

"Why are you standing here? Are you Soyeon's friend?" She asks.


I forgot to introduce myself.

Pabo Jeon Boram.

"Uhm...I'm Jeon Boram Miss." I said and bow again.

"Wow! Finally I met you. Come inside" she said excitedly which make me confused.

She seems like she's going somewhere but when she know my name it looks like she change her mind.

"Have a seat. Don't be shy" She said.

I just smile awkwardly to Ms. Ham.

She's very warm but I'm confused and still nervous.

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