Chapter 18

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I was stunned when I saw the woman standing in front of me.

After a long time I saw her again.

I can't explain what I feel right now.

Sure I was shock but I don't know if I feel angry or scared right now.

Maybe a mixture of the two but I don't care.

"Young Lady Jiyeon. Please come with us. You'll feel no pain if you just agreed" Kahi told me

"That was an order?" I ask.

"Yes young lady" She said.

I sighed.

There's no use if I disagree.

If it was an order they will do whatever it takes to comply.

"No need to drag me. I can handle myself" I said and shove her hand away.

One of my mother's guards tool my car while I have no choice but to sit with the dragon at the back.

Then, the car starts to move.

"Where are you taking me? What do you want?" I coldly ask.

If she thinks that I would be trembling because she's here well she's wrong.

"Is that the right way to greet your mother? Where are your manners?" she ask me.

I scoff.

"Stop kidding. And it wasn't a greeting. It was a question....Mom....and don't be too surprise if my manners were gone coz actually nobody teach me how to respect you" I said and she slap me


"How dare you talk to me like that?!" she angrily said.

I find it funny when she's mad.

"Just tell me what you want to end this conversation. You're not kidnapping me right?" I just said to her.

"Just shut up before I kick you out of this running car" she said.

Wow. She is indeed my Mom.

But she isn't qualified for being a gorgeous goddess.

I just shut up.

I notice that we stop in front of a huge house.

"Get out" Mom said.

So I did get out.

"You're not going to make this house my prison right?" I ask Mom.

She glared at me.

"Aren't you scared or intimidated even just a bit?" She asks.


I shook my head.

"You're so not your Hyomin unnie or your Hyojoon oppa" She said and walk towards the house.

Is that a compliment or an insult?

The way she say it, it's very hard to figure out.

Whichever is it I don't wanna know.

So I just go inside the house too.

I found her in the living room with a familiar guy.

Of course he's familiar just a bit older than before.

"Dad" I said.

I go and sit on the couch.

"This is obviously not a family reunion right? I'm not even sure if I'm a part of this family so let's stop the acting and get straight to the point. There are no cameras around" I said to them.

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