Chapter 11

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Today is the day where our field trip will start so as much as I hate to wake up early I have to because first I have to impress Jungie.


There's no second that's just it.

I join this trip to be with Jungie and that's all.

"Are you ready?" Jungie ask me.

We are using her car to go to school.

"Yup. But can we fetch Ramie?" I ask.

"Don't worry Soyeon will fetch her" she said.

"So you let Soyeon fetch Ramie so that you can be alone with me" I said and gave her a playful smile.

"Or it could be Soyeon ask me a favor to tell you that she'll be the one who will fetch Boram" she said and I pout.

I just get inside the car and she did the same.

I was frowning inside her car.

"Smile. Don't start your day with a frown" she said and buckle my seatbelt then smile at me.

But I'm still the same.

"Aren't you happy that you're alone with me?" She asks and that makes me smile.

"Does being this cute include in your theoretical gorgeous goddess code Jiyeonnie?" She asks me and pinches my checks lightly

I blush and look away.


She never fails to make me feel like this.

"Let's go" I just said.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

There she goes again.

She loves to tease me after she makes me blush.

"Just start driving now!" I said to her.

"Jiyeonnie is so cute" She said before she starts driving.


I just look outside.

Up until now I don't know what I'm going to do to impress her.

Aside from being a gorgeous goddess I have nothing to else special to show.

I sighed.

Maybe Ramie is right.

When it comes to her my gorgeous goddess aura is falling apart.

"Still sleepy? You're quiet" Jungie said to me.

I look at her.

"You'll never leave me Jungie right?" I said.

I feel blessed that she came to my life and gave me this kind of happiness but I was afraid that all of this might come to an end.

Without even a warning I'm afraid that all of this will be just a memory and nothing else just like what happen before

I don't know how I survive that time and reach this age without getting crazy.


I know Hyomin was afraid that time.

Mom was so angry.

I was afraid too but I can still manage to speak not like Hyomin who is trembling and seems like she's about to faint.

And I also know that it was my fault. If I didn't insist to go outside oppa was still here.

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