Chapter 5

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It had to have been around one am before we finally stopped. I placed my hands on my knees and panted.

"This should be far enough. For now," Mavis was looking up at the night sky, she didn't seem effected by our get away at all.

"Good. Now it's time to spill," I wiped the back of my hand along my brow.

"Let's get settled first." She rolled a log beside another and collected some rocks. I picked up a few sticks and threw them into the circle she had used the rocks to make. "Use your magic and start a fire for us."

"Uh, I'm sorry but I don't use magic anymore. Not since the guild disbanded. By the way, how can I see you if I don't bare the guild mark?"

"Since the guild disbanded, or in other terms 'died', I had no purpose in helping the guild since no one was in it. So I'm now pretty much a lost soul who roams this hell you call earth. In other words, I've been given human features and everyone can see me, but I can't die. I am now immortal. But I still have magic and can appear and disappear."

"That's so cool, I didn't know that could happen."

She got down on her knees and started rubbing two of the sticks together, creating a spark and then a fire.

"So you are dying to know what is happening?" She sat back on one of the logs. I took a seat on the other and nodded my head fiercely. "Ok, then. Zeref has pretty much been watching and waiting in the shadows after the guild broke up. Since you guys pretty much defeated a good amount of his minions from Tartaros, he only had one or two left and actually sent one after you. From what I know, you've been his main subject, being the only one who stayed around. All your other guild members either moved to much farther areas or to completely different universes. You caught his attention with this book you were writing, especially when he found out you created a whole new set of demons he could play with. He probably sent Vinny to search for the book, that's why your house was destroyed... And when he found out it was actually at the guild hall the whole time, he wasn't stealthy enough and found you and Sting."

"Why did he want to kill us?"

"He's Zeref, he doesn't want to leave any trace of his whereabouts. Nobody has heard from him in the last two years, so what would people think if he suddenly showed up now? And he's using that as a surprise to the people who won't expect him coming. That's why we need to get the book back and stop Zeref in his tracks."

"Ok that seems cool and all, but where do I play into this? I haven't heard why I am needed."

"You are very important in this. For starters you wrote this book and know it word for word, we can use that against them. Also there is actually an ancient spell that goes way back in Fairy Tail history. It uses nine of the most powerful females who have been in Fairy Tail. And you are one of them."

"Who are the other eight?"

"You'll figure that out in time. We should get some sleep, I don't know how much we will get in the next few weeks so try to get as much as you can. Then it's up and early tomorrow to start training."


"Well, yeah. Zeref has a few tricks up his sleeves and I want you prepared. Now get some sleep, I'll watch over for now." I nodded, yawned, and laid down on the forest floor.

It felt like bugs were crawling all over me and I couldn't stop shivering. I hope I fall asleep soon, I don't like this and I'm ready for it to be over. But I know I'll still wake up, on this mushy floor, so theres no reason to hope for anything different.

Though, I do wonder who the other eight are..

"Up and at em, McGarden," Mavis yelled the next morning.

"Ugh, it's time to get up already?" I rested my arm over my eyes.

"Yes, now come on. We have to start moving, big day. I also found a stream near by that you can bathe in."

"Nice!" I flew up into a sitting position. "Let's get going, can't wait to get this vomit and blood off me and out of my hair."

"Heh, yep, sure, follow me."

We began walking and she started babbling on about what I need to learn and that I needed to get over the whole no magic thing. I heard a twig snap and spun around.

"Oh, so you did hear me," it was the figure from yesterday, but they didn't bother wearing the hood of their cloak.

"Vinny." My teeth chattered, but I gritted them to stop.

"So you finally know my name, after all this time. Sadly, this is going to be the last time we meet. Goodbye, Levy." He charged at me.

"Mavis!" I screamed, but she had vanished.

"Your guardian angel is gone, what are you going to do now?" He swung his cleaver at my throat, and stopped, lightly pressing, "tell me, what are you going to do now?"

My breathing picked up and I couldn't speak. He began laughing manically and threw his head up to the sky.

The knife.

Whoa, was that my conscious??

No, it's me, Mavis you idiot. Grab your knife and fight back!

Uh whatever you say.

While he was still distracted by laughing, I revealed my knife and stabbed the cloak. He stopped laughing almost instantly, his head ever so slowly lowering to mine.

"Did you just try to stab me?" His laughing started up again and his bulging eyes were centimeters from mine. "Good try, girly." He brought his cleaver back and let it come full force at me.

"NOO!" I screamed, throwing my knife up and clashing against his blade.

"Now we are getting a little smarter, but not smart enough. Think fast!" The cleaver swung again but so did my knife. With a clink, the two connected.

"Vinny, stop this! Remember, we were friends," I tried to reason.

"We weren't friends, I put up with your stupid little guild. I've wanted you dead ever since I was assigned to you, you were too perky. I hated you." I grunted, taking his blows. "Now that we have this book, there's not need for you to be around anymore. You are useless."

"That may be true, but I'm still holding onto my life. Now," I pushed his cleaver, catching him off guard. "Go. Back. To. Hell. Where. You. Belong!" I used everything I had in me and lodged my knife into his eye.

His screech was inhumane and deafening. I twisted the blade, and pulled his eye out when taking my knife back. He clasped what I assumed to be his hand over the hole that was spewing a black liquid.

"AUGH! You'll pay for this, and I will be back, just you wait." He disappeared and rain started pouring down. I stared at the eyeball at the end of my knife.

Keeping the nausea down, I took my finger and slid the thing off, it landing on the ground with a quiet plop. Mavis didn't return, I guess she wasn't going to for a while.

Well then what do I do now?

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