It was all a lie. Everything Sting ever told me, it wasn't true.
"Lucy?" Rogue asked, his voice soft and surprised. He, Frosch, and Lector all stood behind me as I was about to knock on Sting's door.
Yesterday was when we went around the market, when I said I would see him today. But here I was, frozen with my hand about to rap on this door.
Only I couldn't bring myself to do it. A girl was in there with him, and they were definitely making out or worse by the noises.
"Sting?" My voice quivered as I lowered my arm to my side. Lector came next to me and began banging on the door.
"Sting!" He called.
"Crap," was muffled and I'm pretty sure the chic ran to the bathroom. "Hey, Lector," he opened the door. His eyes fell on me and he looked shocked to see more than just Lector standing before him. He was only in his boxers again. "Lucy?!"
My face was pale and expressionless. "Who was that?" My voice was cracking.
"That, uh, she was my cousin. Here, come in," he reached his hand out to take hold of mine, but I quickly yanked it away.
"Why the hell were you making out with your 'cousin'?" Tears streamed down my cheeks.
He looked in pain, as if he had a headache. "We weren't making out, we were just-" I slapped him across the face, my jaw clenching.
"Lies. I bet you haven't told me the truth once. I never want to see you again, don't come to the guild hall," my head dropped down so he couldn't meet my eyes.
"Lucy, please," he attempted to touch me again.
"Don't you dare! We are done," I ran off, leaving their guild.
So that's what she meant. I guess I should have listened to her, but how can you do something when you didn't know what you were supposed to do? I wish I realized earlier, had he been seeing her while I was away? Was he actually cheating on her with me?
"Whoa, Lucy?" Mira gasped, scared by me bursting through the front doors.
"What happened, Blonde?" Laxus turned in his stool at the bar. I sobbed, wiping away my gushing tears.
"I-I," I stuttered, not sure where to start or what to say.
"Hey, hey," Erza came up to me, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Deep breaths, tell us what happened," she lead me to the bar. I took a seat in between Bickslow and Laxus.
"Where's Natsu?" I had realized he was the only one not jumping up at me.
"He's at home, he hasn't come in yet today," Mira placed a glass of water in front of me. "Now, spill."
"S-Sting cheated on me, or he was cheating on another girl with me, I don't even know, he was making out with another girl."
"That idiot," Gray shook his head. "Wait until Natsu finds out, Sting will be six feet under."
"Don't tell him, I'll tell him myself. Just tell me how to get to his house," I stood up. They gave me directions and I left.
But instead of going to his house, I went to mine. I got out a giant suitcase and started packing some of my favorite things.
I am so done with all of this crap. If I hadn't joined Fairy Tail, none of this would have happened. I could have been by myself and became even more powerful, finally finishing my one true goal. Now, I can't reach my goal, I know the real Natsu, I think, and I couldn't just kill him... I'll just take a few things and start new, fresh. Maybe change my name.
I put in a few pairs of clothes, a blanket and pillow, and a notebook, then zipped the suitcase up. I held my hand up, looking at the Fairy Tail mark. One last good look, I'll wash it off when I get to wherever I'm going.
I walked out of my new/ now old house. I loved this place, even though I've only been here for like two or three months.
Good bye, Fairy Tail.
"Lucy, wait up!" I heard Natsu's voice behind me. I couldn't make myself face him. He stopped. "Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving, Natsu. This place isn't for me, and it never was."
"What are you talking about? I went to the hall and Gray said you were on your way to my house, but I didn't see you so I came here. What did you want to tell me?"
I hiccuped, trying my hardest not to start crying again. "Well, I broke up with Sting."
"What, why?! Are you ok?" He forced me to turn around and look at him.
"Uh, yeah. We just weren't meant to be."
"What did he do?"
I sighed. "I should have known I couldn't hide it from you. He made out with another chic."
"That bas-"
"It's ok, Natsu, I'm ok. Please don't do anything to him. I'm leaving so it doesn't matter anyway."
"You can't leave, you belong here."
"No I don't, nothing has gone right since I've gotten here. I've ruined everything, I'm surprised you don't hate me."
"You're speaking nonsense, come on. I'll show you that you do belong here," he grabbed my arm and raced back towards the guild.
"Not again," I was dragged along.
**Hope you enjoyed!!**

Trash: A Collection of Stories
FanfictionEvery Fairy Tail fanfic that I've created and trashed will be included in this. A lot of them are unfinished, and will never be finished, but some you guys actually enjoyed. So I decided instead of having a ton of books with 2 chapters, I'll just pu...