Chapter 1

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Dia's POV

I sighed and rubbed my temples as the class went wild. "A-are you Ok Dia-chan? You seem agitated." Midoriya said from beside me. His voice was timid and low but I could still hear it in the mist of all the noise. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It's just a little too noisy for my liking. I bet sooner or later that hot head is gonna open his big ass mouth and make it worse." I said as I rested my head in my palm. "Hey teach! Don't put me in the same bag as these rejects!" I let out a frustrated sigh and leaned back in my chair. "Aaaand here we go." I mumbled, taking out my phone and ear buds to try and block out anything I could with music. I could still hear Katsuki's voice, but it wasn't as annoying as it was before since I couldn't hear it much. About halfway through the first song, I heard my name being mentioned by the teacher. "Sir?" I said, yanking out my ear buds and standing at attention. "Hm? Oh I was just telling the class that you and Midoriya also applied for Yuuei High." The teacher said with a shrug. I glanced over at Midoriya, who was nervous from all the attention. The whole class burst out laughing at the both of us and telling us how impossible it was while insulting us. I rolled my eyes at them as Midoriya stood up. "I-it's not set in stone... You just say that because its never happened." He said, making Katsuki a little angrier. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! GOOD FOR NOTHING!" He yelled as he created an explosion that sent Midoriya flying back. I immediately stood up while Kat was ranting and pushed my way through the crowd to get to him, listening to the harsh words he spit at Midoriya. "N-no! Dia don't!" Midoriya pleaded when I made my way through. I grabbed Midoriya's arm and forced him up. "Idiot. I wouldn't do that here. Too many witnesses." I said, keeping myself from going on a rampage. "DO WHAT HUH? I CAN TAKE ANYTHING YOU QUIRKLESS REJECTS CAN THROW AT ME! SO DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME BITCH!" My eyebrow twitched at his ignorance. I quickly spun around and uppercut him just to shut him up. He flew backwards and landed on one of the students behind him. "You get on my nerves. All of you." I growled. "D-dia-chan? Why'd you hit him with your right when you punch harder with your left?" Midoriya asked, catching everyone's attention. "He isn't worthy of my effort." I spat, walking away from the group, Midoriya following close behind. Kat was beyond pissed. "Why don't you punch me with your left huh?!" He yelled, marching up to my desk. He pointed at his cheek. "Go ahead! Punch me in the face!" I raised an eyebrow at his request. "Punch you?" I asked making sure I heard right. "Yes! Punch me in the face! Didn't you hear me?!" He yelled, clenching the desk. "Well I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you're talking but it's usually subtitles." I said monotonously. He growled and grabbed me by my shirt collar. "LISTEN HERE BITCH! DON'T YOU DARE UNDERESTIMATE ME! I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed, gripping my collar tighter and tighter. "At least then I won't have to listen to your dumb monologues anymore." I said with a shrug. He growled and drew his fist back, getting ready to punch me. "That's enough." The teacher said, halting Katsuki's actions. He let my collar go, dropping me in my chair. "Just wait till class is over." He growled at both me and Midoriya.


The students began filing out of class and I got up and stretched. The moment I turned to get Midoriya, Katsuki and his two knuckleheaded friends were in front of both of us. "I still have things to settle with you good for nothings." He said, picking up Midoriya's hero notebook. "What's that Katsuki?" The lanky guy asked. I looked at Midoriya, asking for permission to make a move but he shook his head no. "For the future?... Seriously? Pffffft." One of the other guys said. "It doesn't concern you! Give it back!" Midoriya yelled. Katsuki just burned the book with an explosion and tossed it out the window. I ran over to the window and looked down to see where it had landed so I could retrieve it. Once I spotted it in the fish tank, I controlled the wind, making it rise out of the water and up towards me. "Hey! Listen when I'm talking to you bitch!" Katsuki yelled, roughly grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around. He pushed Midoriya next to me and put a hand on our shoulders, slightly burning us with his quirk. "Forget passing the entering contest at Yuuei you damn nerd. You to, bitch." I glared at him as he walked away with his friends insulting us. Katsuki stopped in the doorway and looked back. "I forgot, there's a method that could be really effective if you want to become a hero so much. Making the leap of faith from the roof... Believing with all your might that you'll have to have an individuality in the other world." That was it for me. Images of the splattered corpse flashed in my mind. Dad... Black clouds filled the sky around the school as I lost my cool. I created a gust of wind that pulled Katsuki and his friends towards me. My eyes turned completely white as I choked them by tightening the air around their throats. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN! I'VE LOST TOO MANY PEOPLE! NEVER AGAIN! I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed. "Dia!" A voice cried out as two arms wrapped around me from behind. "Mido...." My arms fell loosely beside me, clearing the sky and dropping the small group to the floor. They all gasped for air, putting their hands to their throats. "Y-you have a quirk! Ho-" "Shut it Bakuwhore." I hissed, walking past him and dragging Midoriya along by the hand. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that Mido." I mumbled as we left the classroom.

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