Chapter 3

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8 months later

I was walking to the beach with All Might when a familiar voice caught my ear. It sounded like screaming. Not the bad kind, like a battle cry type of screaming. "MidoMido?" I said more like a question when I spotted him standing on top of the pile of garbage. "He ended up completing it at the last second!" All Might exclaimed. "He crossed the finish line." I added. "Oh my... Oh my... GOODNESS!" All Might exclaimed, transforming into his hero form and catching Midoriya when he fell. I was thinking more on the lines of 'holy SHIT he's ripped now' but I guess that works too. I thought, rushing over to the two. "All Might... Dia-chan... I... I did... it. I did it." Mido said weakly. All Might se him down on his feet. "And you did an astonishing job of it! Especially for a teenager! Here, have a look-see at this!" All Might held his phone to Mido's face, showing him the picture he took ten months ago. "What's this?" Mido asked. "It's you ten months ago!" I said before looking him up and down, "You did really, really good!" I started feeling his bicep, making him blush. "Th-thanks Dia-chan." He mumbled.


As we walked through the gate together, I suddenly felt a strange feeling bubbling inside. Happiness? I glanced over at Mido to see his face covered in worry. I stopped walking and put a hand on his shoulder, ceasing his next step as well. He looked at me with a slightly confused expression. I felt the corners of my lips curve upwards into a smile, something I hadn't felt in a long time. I was genuinely happy for him. His worry stricken face turned into one of shock and something else I couldn't quite read. "I'm proud of you MidoMido. You'll do fine, trust me." I said with a bigger smile. His expression lit up and for a moment I thought he was gonna explode into flowers and sunshine. "Y-y-y-you're smiling! Thank you Dia-chan!" He exclaimed. "Fuck off Deku!" My smile disappeared as the familiar voice hurt my ear drums, "Get out of my way, or do you wanna fucking die?!" Kat growled, causing Mido to jump away from me and frantically wave his arms around. "H-hey there! Good morning and, and and let's both do our... " Mido trailed off as Kat just walked by. "Hey, is that Bakugou from the sludge-guy incident?" I heard a kid try to whisper. "Yeah it is! Do you think that tornado chick is here to?" His friend asked. I sighed as Mido and I and started walking again. I felt air rushing past me and realized he was falling. I quickly stuck my arms out to catch him but he was floating. I deadpanned as he began to freak out. "You alright?" A girl asked Mido from beside me before clapping her hands together and making him land. "Sorry for using my quirk on you without asking. I just feel like it would've been a bad omen if you would've tripped y'know?" She asked looking at me and scratching the back of her head. "I'm so nervous! Bet you guys are to!" I glanced at Mido who had completely lost his composer. "Huh? Ah.. Uhh-" "Well good luck! See ya later!" She exclaimed, cutting off Mido's series of noises before making her way into the building. "I talked to a girl!" He said in a shakey tone. I rolled my eyes. "You didn't even say anything. And since when do I not count as a girl?" Mido didn't respond, but was stuck in his own little world. I sighed as we entered the building together.


I was extremely tempted to slam my head down on the desk in front of me. How in the hell did we manage to get seated next to Kat? I thought as I glanced at the said blonde from the other side of Mido. "Oh my gosh it's the voice type hero Present Mic! I listen to him on the radio every week, this is incredible, the lecturers at Yuuei really are pro heroes!" Mido gushed. "Shut up." Kat and I said at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I love Mido and all but he's been fanboying ever since we got in the building. I saw Kat glance over at me from the corner of my eye before he tched. Present Mic explained the way the second part of the exam worked with the point collecting and a blue-haired guy with glasses stood up. "Excuse me, may I ask a question?" He asked before verbally filing an unnecessarily long-winded complaint about the form then calling Mido out on his twitchy fanboy behavior. I sighed as people snickered at the poor freckled child before letting my mind wander. "-PLUS ULTRA! And may you suffer gladly the trials to come.


"It's so big." Mido said, looking extremely nervous. Pfft that's what she said. "Yeah. Don't sweat it though. I'm sure you'll be fine." I said in an attempt to reassure him as we parted ways. The moment I made it to my section I began starting on stretches for my flexibility. "Hey, you're that girl from the sludge incident, right?" I turned around to see a redheaded boy with crazy hair. "What's it to ya?" I asked, giving him a slight glare. He raised his hands in surrender. "I'm not here to pick a fight. Just to compliment you and wish ya luck." He said with a dopey grin. "Ditto." I told him with a nod. "AAAAAAAND START!" I used the confusion to my advantage and sprouted wings, flying above everyone. "Wha?! And here I thought you had some type of weather quirk!" The redhead yelled as he chased me by foot with a big dumb grin on his face. I summoned a twister (a southern term for a HUGE tornado) and took out several villains at once. My quirk, Freak of Nature. I'll explain it to him later. I thought, knowing that I'd see him for sure later on since he seems like the type of guy to persist a girl. "Sweet!" I heard him say. I made the twister go away before dropping to the ground in front of him and making my wings go away. From that point on, he kinda followed me around so we went around destroying tons of villains together. We watched each others backs, saving each other a few times.

A loud crash was heard as an unnecessarily large robot came into the arena. "That must be the zero pointer! Let's get out of here!" The redhead I came to know as Kirishima exclaimed as he grabbed my arm. I was about to go, but something caught my eye. It was a small dude who was frozen in place. Some type of purple thing going on with his head. "Kirishima! Wrap your arms around me and stay still!" I commanded. He blushed and complied. "Can't argue with that!" I rolled my eyes at his statement and extended my arm towards the robot. It froze in place before crumpling up like a paper ball when I closed my hand. I slumped backwards onto Kirishima's chest and he tightened his grip on me. "Woah!" I pointed in the direction of the shaken kid before forcing myself to balance. I moved Kirishima's arms and made my way towards the kid who had finally snapped out of his daze. "Are you Ok?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. He hugged me tightly, crying. Since he was so short he was actually hugging my legs. "Thank you so much!" He exclaimed. "Aaaand the test is over!" Present Mic shouted. I exhaled and stood up, stumbling towards the exit. "H-hey! Wait up!" Kirishima called as he caught up. "Your quirk is insane! What exactly is it?" He asked, walking backwards in front of me. "I'll explain it to you after we change."


Kirishima held the door for me as we walked out the front of the school. "My quirk is called Freak of Nature. It allows me to control anything that nature has to offer, like the weather or elements. That also includes living things and gravity. I can control plants but not animals and people; I can partially turn into an animal or shape shift into one. The only catches are my clothes don't change with me and depending on what I'm controlling I can get really nauseated. I also have heightened senses." He nodded, taking in the information. "Your quirk is amazing! Mine is hardening if you didn't notice before." He said, demonstrating with his hand. Never is that gonna sound right to me. I nodded and touched his seemingly crystallized hand. "That's really impressive." I said with raised eyebrows as I curiously studied his hand. "Uh... Can I walk you home or to the station?" He asked with a blush on his face. "That may not be a good idea." I said quietly, leaving his hand alone. "How come?" As I opened my mouth to respond, someone's voice cut me off. "Dia! Over here!" I gave Kirishima a quick hug, catching him by surprise. "Because you'll end up being enemies with the wrong kind of person." I whispered in his ear before jogging to Mido. "See ya!" I shouted to him as I looked back.

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