Chapter 51

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The birthing process was painful, but not as painful as I was told it'd be. It took a while, but only mere seconds apart, Haruko and Haruki Chisaki were brought into the world on July 19th.

As promised, I took the twins to see Kai Chisaki a few days after they were born. "They... They're beautiful." He stuttered, getting choked up. "Twins! My darling had twins! You have no idea how badly I want to hold our boys." He uttered, holding his head down. "They look just like you." I said softly as they cooed in my arms. One of them reached forward and put his hand to the glass. Upon hearing the soft tap, Chisaki looked up. "Da." Haruko said, his hand pointing to Chisaki. Haruki followed suit and put his hand to the glass in Chisaki's direction as well. "Da!" He exclaimed with a bubbly laugh following afterwards. Chisaki's eyes widened at their action.



They said at the same time. I felt my eyes begin to water. Even though I didn't really like Chisaki, it was still a really touching moment for me. "Their first word.... They know you." I said, my voice quivering. "Wh-what are their names?" Chisaki asked, tears threatening to spill. "Haruko Chisaki and Haruki Chisaki..." I answered. Tears fell from his eyes and he lost it. "Y-y-you! You gave them my last n-name! My boys! I thought- D-don't you hate me?!" He sobbed uncontrollably. I nodded in response. "I gave them your last name so they'll know who their father is. The public only knows you as Overhaul, so people won't ridicule them. Besides, I don't hate you. I just don't like you. Despite my personal feelings, they deserve to know who their father is, so I won't deprive them of that." I replied, feeling a tear role down my cheek. He smiled through his tears. "They may look like me, but they clearly take after you. I don't know what it is about them, but they're so radiant. Please... Raise them well." Chisaki sniffled. He took deep breaths, composing himself. "Hi boys. Dada's locked up! Please don't end up in here. Live your lives for yourselves and take good care of your mama." Chisaki said before bursting into tears again. I silently cried as they kept their hands on the glass saying "dada" over and over. "Come on babies, say bye-bye to Dada." I said, bouncing them a bit. They both waved at the same time, Haruko kept a straight face, but Haruki wouldn't stop smiling. "See you next year." I said softly as I left the room.

I walked right past Mirio, who was waiting right outside the door. "How'd it go?" He asked, following me to the car. I turned and looked at him as the silent tears ran down my face. "That good, huh?" He asked, opening the back car door. I put the boys in their car seat and buckled them in before getting in the passenger seat. "They called him dada... And he cried." I said, hugging myself as Mirio got into the driver's seat. He started the car, glancing at me. "You okay?" He asked, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I nodded softly. "Thanks for bringing me here, senpai." I nearly whispered. "Anything for you, Dia. Anything for you and your beautiful kids. All three of them." He replied, starting to drive.


I continued to do school work and whatnot from home until the twins were one years old, when I allowed them to visit their father again on their birthday. Chisaki asked me to marry him during that visit and of course I said no. And like just Recovery Girl said, the twins were extremely close. They were also really fast learners. By the time they had turned one, they were walking, speaking fluently, and potty trained. Now I just had to teach them to write properly. Though they knew how to write their names. Eri learned quickly as well. She mastered triple digit multiplication and wanted to learn more. Since she wanted to help out more too, she would try to teach her brothers to write. And just like she planned, she had already started teaching them to be good boys by teaching them what was considered good and what was considered bad. I couldn't help but smile at the three everytime they were together. They were all just so close.

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