Chapter 66

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The next day, we went straight to school after dropping the kids off. I was pretty anxious throughout the day because I wanted nothing more than to find Mido.


"We've got footage from the hospital and from the looks of it, Midoriya was taken by someone... We're unable to identify the person, though." Fat said as we watched the tape. A person covered from head to toe in thick articles of clothing came in the room via the window and vanished after lifting Mido. I rewinded the footage and watched it again, squinting at the screen. Something fell when they teleported... Is that the black stuff that teleported Touya? I clenched my fists as the realization dawned on me. Calm down Dia... Don't jump to conclusions... "Take me to the crime scene." I said flatly, already on my way to the door.

~At the hospital~

I stepped under the police tape and into the hospital room. I sniffed the air and the bed. Mido's scent is still so strong... I thought, concentrating harder and sniffing the air and mentally backtracking where the person in the video was. I fucking knew it. I thought, feeling a low growl escape my throat. "What is it, Gaea?" Fat asked from the door frame. It's the League of Villains, that's what it is. I warned those bastards to fuck off!" I growled, saying the last part under my breath as I left the room. "He teleported away so that we couldn't track him by scent or cameras..." I told Fat, who walked beside me. "Gaea, go home early for tha night." Fat replied with concern lacing his voice. "What?! But sir, why? Am I doing something wrong on this case?" I asked as my frustrations boiled within me. "No, it's tha fact that this case is really personal for ya. You'll get too stressed out n worried. We'll keep ya as posted as necessary so don' worry. Take the week off." Fat answered. I sighed and looked at the ground. "Yes sir." I replied before reluctantly beginning my journey to the agency to change back into my civilian clothes.

~Back at the Kirishima residence

"Back so early, Dia?" Mrs. Kirishima questioned, looking up from the book she was reading. Sighing I nodded in response as I joined her on the couch. "Are the kids asleep already?" I asked, leaning my head back so that I was staring up at the ceiling. "Yep. They went to bed early tonight. The field day they had at school today really tired them out!" Mrs. Kirishima chuckled. I smiled in response and turned my head to her. "Thank you so much for all that you're doing. Welcoming us into your home was enough, you don't have to-" "Honey, I'm going to stop you right there- I love my new grandkids and my new daughter in law! So don't feel bad about my decisions. If I want to spoil you all, then I will! Understood?!" She asked aggressively, cutting me off. "Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed, a little surprised and intimidated.

Mrs. Kirishima giggled at my reaction. "Now go and get some sleep, dear. I can see that you're tired. Eiji will be home a little later if you were planning on waiting on him." She said, reopening her book and beginning to read. I gave a small ok and went to the room Kiri and I shared.

I had already showered at the agency, so I just stripped and bundled up in the bed. It was a sleep naked kind of night. I don't know what it was, but sometimes sleeping naked would reduce my stress. 

I stared into space as I sank into the mattress. I hope Mido's ok... I thought with a sigh. STOP worrying Dia! Mido's smart and he's strong... So he'll be back... Don't worry about him... Worry about your kids. Thinking of which, I wonder if their days went well? Ruko and Ruki are still really close, but their tastes are so different. It's a cute contrast. I'm so proud of Eri for looking after them so well too. No matter what I thought about, Mido was still in the back of my mind. Somethings isn't right... I thought, grabbing my phone off the dresser and calling Rin. The phone only rang once before he picked up. "Hello? Dia are you okay? It's almost Midnight..." He asked immediately upon answering. It was clear that he had just woken up. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I just can't sleep right now. Sorry for waking you up, I know you go to bed early." I replied with a sigh, curling up in a ball as I desperately held the phone against my ear. "Oh no worries. Give me a second..." He said groggily from the other end. I could hear his bed springs as he got up followed by a little bit of commotion. I smiled to myself. He's gonna play me a song, isn't he? I thought, remembering the fact be had his entire grand piano from home moved into his room. "Alright Dia, I wrote this one just for you." He said, a smile in his tone. "Hit me." I replied. He immediately began playing a beautiful melody that caught my attention. It made me tear up a bit because despite its beauty, there was a lot of sorrow in it. Actually, how sad it was is what made it beautiful. The melody ended with me having tears in my eyes. "Rin... Would you play me another song?" I asked sheepishly. Without hesitation, he began playing another song. But this one wasn't written by him. It was a song that I used to listen to all the time.

Kirishima's POV

When I got home, it was almost 1am. I had showered at the agency since I didn't want to walk in covered in rubble, sweat and dirt. There was a gang today and I was able to fight them all by myself using some of the tactics D taught me. I've been worried about her all night, though  I barely have enough energy to even get to my room. When I opened my room door, D was curled up in ball under the blanket. Her fetal position meant she needed to be held. I drowsily threw my shirt and pants off before collapsing on the bed behind her. I got under the cover and wrapped my arm around her bare waist. Just her undergarments again, huh? I thought, pulling her close to me and sighing. Wait... Is D naked?! That immediately woke me up. I felt my face flush at the fact. Should I sleep elsewhere? But D needs me to hold her right now... Pure thoughts Eijirou! Pure thoughts! She's a lady. I sat up and took a deep breath before looking away. A light caught my eye and I looked over her to see that she left her phone on. She fell asleep on the phone? What sounded like a piano was playing on the other side. Caller ID... Rin? She probably felt lonely... I thought, feeling a pang of guilt hit my heart. I grabbed my own phone and checked my call history. She didn't even call me... I thought feeling a little jealous that she decided to call him without even bothering to call me. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I spoke into the phone. "Rin, bro, you can go to sleep now. I'm home." I said, interrupting his little song. "Oh, okay. Goodnight man." He replied. Smug bastard... "Night. Thanks for helping D out." I said before hanging up and putting my arm back around her, pulling her as close as humanly possible. Damn I want her now... I thought, feeling myself get aroused. Sighing again, I got up and went to the bathroom to take care of my business. It's too damn early for this. All o

f this.

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