Chapter 7

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast, getting a sense of deja vu. I trudged downstairs, memories of last night becoming fuzzier and fuzzier. Who the hell? "Kat? What are you doing here? And why are you cooking breakfast? Where'd you get that robe?" I asked before yawning. The yawn was the only thing that ceased my line of questions. He gave me an odd look. "Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked with a slight glare. I stared blankly for a moment before the events of his apology and tears came to mind. My eyes widened at the memory and I suddenly found myself engulfing him in a hug. He stumbled backwards a bit before regaining his balance. "Hey idiot! I still have a hot pan in my hand and I'm still cooking! You'll get burned moron!" I quickly let go. "Sorry Kat. I forgive you." He grumbled under his breath as he resumed his task. "Go get dressed and I'll let you know when everything is done." He ordered. Seeing his lips move like that.... Oh shit he kissed me last night! I recalled as I gave a quick nod before bolting up the stairs. Oh my lord, he kissed me! And told him I wanted him to! Agh that's so embarrassing! I thought as I changed into my uniform. It was just the drowsiness talking Dia. That's all. Just the drowsiness. That must be why he was looking at me like that this morning.... I let out a sigh before putting my hair in a ponytail, leaving a few strands out. "Dia! Get you ass down here! Breakfast is ready." Well that was fast... Or did I just dress slow? I rushed down the stairs and gawked at the sight before me. Kat had set the whole table set up and lightly decorated. All the food he cooked made it seem as if it was a Thanksgiving meal- except with breakfast foods. Did I even have this much food to begin with?! Finally, he stood behind a chair and pulled it out, waiting for me to sit in it. I hesitated for a moment before sitting down and allowing him to push my chair in. "Kat.... You didn't have to-" "Just see it as part of my apology. Nothing more, nothing less." He said, his cheeks tinted pink as he sat down across from me. We sat and stared at each other in awkward silence for a little while. "Well are you gonna eat or let it get cold?!" He slightly shouted. I put one of each thing on my plate before I started eating. As I finished, I stood up. "That's all you're going to eat?" He asked in slight disbelief. I nodded, subconsciously moving my free hand to my flat stomach. I'd like for it to stay that way... "I usually don't eat breakfast anyway, but I do accept your kind gesture. I promise your cooking won't go to waste though." I said before returning to the dining area with a bunch of to-go trays. "Huh?"


"Alright! Behave kiddo!" I said to a small boy with a large smile as the homeless woman thanked me repeatedly. "Thank you so much! You and your boyfriend are too kind!" She said, grasping my hands in her own. I raised a brow. "Don't mention it, and he's not my-" "-Nonsense! You just save my son and I from going through restaurant dumpsters again!" She said lowly as to not let her son overhear while he was playing with Kat. I nodded at the woman before watching the two boys converse from afar. Kat seemed fascinated by something the little boy was telling him. How adorable.... The woman chuckled from beside me before nudging my arm. "He'd make a wonderful father someday, don't you think? You two would have beautiful kids!" I began choking on my own spit, drawing a little too much attention. Someone began to pat me on the back. "Hey, be careful idiot, you could do some serious damage to yourself like that.... " Kat muttered worriedly. I leapt away from him with a hand over my racing heart. "You two would have beautiful kids!" I deadpanned at the comment that echoed in my mind. Great. Now every time I see him I'm gonna hear THAT. I thought before sighing and shaking my head. Kat looked at me dumbfounded with his arm still out as if my back was still there. I probably shouldn't have jumped away so suddenly.... I cleared my throat before checking my makeshift watch. "Ah, look at the time! We've gotta go right now so I can get to class on time! See you around Miss!" I said hurriedly before waving goodbye to the woman and her son then speed walking away.
"Hey!" Kat called as he jogged to catch up to me. "What'd that lady say to you to make you choke?" He asked as I avoided his gaze. "Answer me!" He demanded, grabbing my arm and ceasing our journey to the school. "I need to know what she said." He said in a softer more caring tone. For some reason my heart began to race. Why am I so nervous about this? It's just some stupid opinion.... I've never gotten so worked up over something like this. "You'd be a wonderful father and.... We'd make beautiful kids..." I mumbled under my breath. "What? I couldn't hear you." He said tenderly. "She said you'd make a wonderful father to our beautiful kids." I finally managed to say flatly. I expected him to be all flustered, but he just gave me a smug look. "Wanna test that theory?" I felt my heart start speeding again. "What are you saying?!" I slightly shouted, causing him to burst out laughing as we arrived at the gates. "Ah your face was priceless! I haven't seen you blush like that in a long time! That was golden!" He said as he wiped an eye. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Whatever Kat." I mumbled as he put an arm around me. "Ha, you know you love me." He said with that cocky smirk. I felt a familiar gaze on me as we made our way towards the crowd. But it wasn't a welcoming one at all. It was an angry glare.

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