Chapter 57

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It didn't take too long for Kiri and I to become famous due to both our relationship status and the serious ass kickings we had been handing out. Not only did he play the boyfriend role well for the cameras, but he also played it well at school and slayed the "mom's boyfriend" role well for the kids. He told me he was gonna act as he would if he actually got the honor of being my boyfriend. It's odd that he calls it an honor considering how ruined I am. Well, the kids love him and when he's around I can see that he loves them the same. He's the only one besides me, Eri and Kat who can tell the difference between Haruko and Haruki. After just a few weeks of patrol together, we were the talk of the news. There was merchandise and products everywhere with our hero aliases on them. We even had a few photo shoots together for some magazines. Kiri was also always wanting to treat either me and or the kids out somewhere. Just the other day, he took us all to a 4D movie and treated us to dinner afterwards. Even though I offer to pay for the kids, he always insist that I don't. In every way, Kiri is the perfect gentleman and he spoils me whenever he can. Best thing is, he respects my boundaries. He's shown me nothing but pure intentions and hasn't so much as touched me in a semi-sexual way. I know I told him it's strictly pretend... But I think I'm actually starting to fall for him.

I sighed and called myself stupid under my breath for letting someone capture my heart. "Strictly pretend... Strictly pretend... STRICTLY pretend." I said, putting on a random oversized hoodie and going to the kitchen. I put my hair in a messy bun before I started getting out pans and spatulas. All I was wearing was a extremely large hoodie that went down to my knees and a pair of panties. Since I only slept in my panties last night, I banned Mirio from my room. He was a cuddler which was the only reason I let him sleep in the same bed, but now that I was with Kiri- even if it was just pretend- it felt weird. So I gave him a guest room and am currently working on buying him a body pillow.

A soft knock at the door caused me to cease my actions. I answered it to find Kiri on the other side of it with his hair down. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt with a pair of jean shorts. "Mornin' beautiful." He said with a smile. "Good morning Kiri." I replied tiredly, hugging him. So warm~ Such a nice scent too...  He's wearing a really light scented oil. Hmmm~ it smells so nice. He did his research! But how'd he find out I can't stand the smell of cologne? And scented oils are expensive... You idiot... Don't go through so much trouble for me... I thought, burying my nose into his chest. "Ah uh... D- D...?" He asked, clearly flustered. "Whatever oil you have on your skin today smells so good." I half moaned, looking up at him. He blushed darker and let out a small oh. Noting out loud to wear it more often. I let go of his torso and invited him inside. He obliged, taking his shoes off. "I was just getting started on breakfast. Care to join?" I asked, leading him to the said area. "Of course! Though I'm not too good at cooking. Where are the kids?" Kiri replied, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "Oh they're still sleeping. It's the weekend after all. Eri doesn't eat that much, but my three boys need a hearty breakfast!" I practically sang, mixing flour, eggs, cinnamon and milk into a large bowl. "Three?" Kiri asked, tilting his head in confusion. "She's referring to me." Mirio said from the doorway of the kitchen in nothing but his pajama bottoms. His crossed arms made his muscles involuntarily flex. I looked away and stared at the batter as I stirred it, trying to keep myself from oogling his goodies. I felt my face get hot and my mouth water. Mirio you sly bastard. You know your godly body gets me all flustered. I thought, adding a ton of honey into the mix.

"Kiri you can fry the bacon. And take the pork and beef out of the freezer." I instructed, my face burning up since I could still see Mirio in the corner of my eye.  "Alright!" He exclaimed, going to the fridge and grabbing the said meats. He put the frozen rolls of ground beef and ground pork in the sink before taking the pack of thawed bacon to the other side of me and turning on the stove under the already placed pan. "You get turkey bacon?" He asked, reading the label. I nodded, pouring the pancake batter into the pan. "The boys love meat, so I keep a variety. Besides, turkey bacon is better for you. They already have enough red meat in their diet." I replied. As the pancake cooked on low, I turned to look at Kiri. I blushed hard at his shirtless form. He's shirtless virtually all the time with his hero costume, but it was the fact that he was shirtless with an apron on. Seeing him in that gave me really vulgar sexual fantasies.

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