Chapter 64

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Kai's clothes were covered in blood and his prosthetic hands  glimmered in the moonlight. "All I came to do darling, is see my boys. I want us to live together like a happy family. Is that too much to ask?" Kai asked, stepping towards me. My sorrow turned into rage and I felt my pupils dilate. My nails grew into claws and my fangs grew larger. My hair turned white as well as my eyes as black clouds blocked the moon. "DON'T YOU TOUCH THEM!" I growled, charging at Kai. My tongue yearned for the taste of blood. Before I could pounce on him, my body froze in place. "Ah, darling calm yourself. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your fiery friend, now would you?" He asked, snapping his fingers. Upon snapping, Kat appeared beside him all tied up and beaten down. He glared up at Kai, his angered threats muffled due to the cloth stuffed in his mouth. Kai grabbed Kat's hair and yanked his head so that Kat was looking in my direction. Kat's eyes widened upon seeing me and he seemed to grasp the situation. "With this prosthetic, I can twist his head off just like your other two boyfriends over there. I suggest you cooperate with me and calm down, darling." Kai said, almost whispering. He released me from my frozen state and I landed swiftly on my feet. I looked at Kat and took a few deep breaths. The sky cleared and my hair turned back to its original color. "Let him go, Kai." I said flatly, standing before him. Kai smirked in response. "Have you come to your senses?" Kai asked, sending Kat back. "D-dad?" Haruko asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "What're you doing here?" Haruki asked, appearing right beside his brother. Kai turned around to see the boys standing right behind him. "Ah, my boys! I came to visit you! Look at how much you've grown! Your speech is so articulate too." Kai said, turning around and holding his arms out. "Boys! Go back inside!" I pleaded, wanting so badly to stop Kai from so much as touching them. As the two hugged their father at the same time, they saw me from over his shoulders. "Why is mommy crying?" Haruki asked, turning his little hands into bear paws and digging the claws into Kai's back a little. "Are you hurting mommy?" Haruko asked, his nails growing into sharp claws.

Haruko noticed Kiri's lifeless body behind me and his eyes widened in shock. "M-mister Kirishima? Dad... You killed him, didn't you? That's why mommy is sad. That's why she's hurt. I can feel her pain.... You... You'll feel all of our pain." He said darkly, pushing himself off of Kai at the same time as his brother.

"You sorry soul..." Haruko said, the life draining from his eyes.

"You'll reap what you sow..." Haruki continued, the same happening to him as both the boys did trance-like rhythmic movements in sync.

"May karma strike you back tenfold." They said at the same time. Haruko created a flock of crows that swarmed around Kai and plucked at his flesh as Haruki wrapped Kai's limbs in thick thorny vines. "BOYS STOP!" I shouted upon hearing Kai's screams. They immediately sent away what they had created and Kai fell, covered in wounds and his own blood. I caught him before he hit the ground. "But why, mama?" Haruki asked. "He hurt you and killed Mister Kirishima." Haruko said. I stumbled over to them and hugged them both. "Because you're good. You've never killed anyone and you should never kill anyone. If you wanna be a great hero, don't kill anyone. Even if you don't want to be a hero, never EVER kill anyone because it makes people sad. Even if they're a bad person, never kill anyone. Promise me, okay? I know I've bluffed in the past,but I would never ask you to kill anyone." I asked through my tears, hugging them.

"We promise mama." They replied simultaneously. "Boys! Get back inside with your sister! I'll-" Togata stopped in his tracks upon seeing and Kai passed out on the ground and heavily wounded. I felt my body shake as I struggled to stand. "Y-you're..." I trailed off and in an instant I had my arms wrapped around him. I started sobbing uncontrollably. "I- I saw- I saw him kill you! H-he had your head!" I exclaimed, clenching the back of his shirt tightly. He caressed my hair and shushed me, kissing my forehead and telling me it was alright. "It was probably just an illusion." Togata said calmly, cupping my face in his hands. My eyes widened a bit. "S-so Kiri's-!" I turned and his lifeless body was still there. Mido's 'head' had disappeared, but Kiri's dead and bloodied body was still there. "K-kiri..." I stuttered, wanting to go to him; but Togata held me back. "He's gone, Dia." He said sadly. Haruko walked close to Kiri's body. "Haruko don't!" I exclaimed, reaching to him. "Haruko... He's dead. He isn't coming back." Togata said with a morbid tone. Haruko just looked back and smiled softly. "Trust me, mommy." He said with confidence. I hesitantly nodded and he stepped a tad bit closer to Kiri. He created a tiny white dove the was clearly glowing in the night. He whispered to the dove and then sent it off. The bird landed on Kiri's head and the giant hole in his stomach began to close. The color returned to his pale body as life filled his eyes. Slowly but surely, he came back to life. Kiri jolted up, blinking in confusion as he felt for the hole that was once in his torso. "I... I'm ALIIIIIVE!" He loudly exclaimed, jumping up and hugging Haruko. "I didn't know you could do that ya little bugger!" Kiri exclaimed, tousling Haruko's hair. Haruko giggled at the action and swatted Kiri's hand away. Haruki ran up to his big brother and complemented him on how awesome what he did was. "KIRI!" I cheered, running to him. He looked up from the little reunion he was smiling at and held his arms open for me. "D! You-" Kiri was cut off by my lips colliding on his. He was shocked for a little while, but he kissed back eventually. We broke the kiss for air and then hugged. "Don't you ever die again you fucking idiot." I said into his chest. Kiri let out a hearty chuckle. "Love you too, D." He said, kissing my forehead. I felt shocks go through my body when he kissed my forehead and I clenched his shirt a little tighter. "No more..." I said softly. "What?" Kiri asked, still holding onto to me. "It's not just for the cameras anymore."

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