Chapter 5

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Costume design above. I couldn't find it so I just redrew it. I think it was something like this. Dang it I took notes on the original too. Oh well. Enjoy anyways.


-Back part cut out for wings
- Hole under that for tail
-Barefoot to avoid complications when she transforms into a creature that needs it's toe claws for grip and/or speed
-Leaves to ensure she'll always have access to some kind of greenery to control
-Metal piece under breasts to ensure she'll always have a piece of steel to control
- Silver ring on each middle finger (not drawn but pretty sure it was in my original design)
-Special cloth hanging from left glove that is extremely durable and can be used as a powerful shield or distraction when she controls it (detachable)


I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I felt Kat's gaze burn into the back of my head. He hadn't said a word to me since yesterday, but his eyes were glued on me ever since I walked into the classroom. I'd never felt so awkward and exposed in front of him before. Kirishima poked my arm, catching my attention. "You alright? You seem out of it today." He whisper-yelled with his voice full of concern. I nodded, feeling Midoriya's eyes on me at the mention of my out of character behavior. It's a good thing this class subject is my strong suit, so I can afford to be distracted for a day or two... I thought as I began doodling to try and take my mind off the gaze that was continuing to bore into the back of my head. Ugh. This looks horrible I thought when I looked down at my doodle. Holy shit Kat stop staring!


Kirishima nudged me as we waited for All Might to arrive. I ignored it and proceeded to talk to Mido. "Come on D, you can't possibly be that mad at me for sitting with Bakugou! He's a pretty cool guy. What kind of beef do you two have anyway?" He asked, tugging at my sleeve. I whipped my head around and slightly glared at him. "Oh you mean besides the fact that he's an apathetic, desensitized, arrogant asshole?" I asked, raising a brow at him.  Kirishima tilted his head to the side a bit. "Well he is a little out of hand but-" I put my hand up, cutting him off. "I'm gonna stop you right there... You're being way too lenient about this and no where near accurate." I said flatly. "Well-" "It's me! Through the door like a normal person!" I tried my hardest not to laugh at All Might's statement. "Hey! You almost cracked a smile!" Kirishima said as he smiled like he'd just won something. "Well, I didn't laugh out loud but I think I giggled a little in my soul." I said flatly, slightly glaring at him. He gave me a wary look before putting his attention on All Might, who'd just opened up a wall that held our hero costumes.


I was a little disappointed, but overall it was so comfortable that I couldn't be mad. They made it skin tight and it revealed a little too much cleavage but at the same time, still managed to make it extremely comfortable all while adding all the things I asked for. "W-wow Dia-chan. You look like a goddess." MidoMido complemented with a blush adorning his face. "Thanks Mido, you look-" "Whoa D! Showin' some skin! You look amazing!" Kirishima said, cutting me off and popping out of nowhere. I turned to get an eye full of his costume and almost started drooling. "You're showing more skin than I am! Not that I'm complaining though." I said, feeling his biceps. He blushed and flexed. "Damn you're fine." I said with a low whistle. He blushed a little darker and began stuttering. I heard a certain someone grumbling from afar. Damn my heightened senses ruining my stupid girly habits. I thought, slipping away from Kirishima to find Kat. I was pretty curious to see his hero costume design. I bet it looks dumb on him. And so I thought. The sight before me proved me wrong a million times at once. He looked so... So...  "Damn Kat, you look badass!" I said, causing his head to snap in my direction. He looked me up and down before walking up to me and circling around me like a vulture flying over its next meal. When he came back around, he stood over me with a small blush on his face. "I thought you didn't like showing so much skin." He said lowly, almost whispering, "You aren't leaving much to the imagination y'know." I couldn't tell whether he was pissed or happy about it but one thing's for sure: He wasn't being himself. "What ever Kat. Just kick some ass when you up there, Ok?" I said as I dismissively waved my hand. He looked at me with slight surprise before going back to his usual demeanor and scoffing. I took that as my cue to return to where Kirishima and MidoMido were. "Oh hey! You're gravity girl!" I said as she came into view. As usual, MidoMido was blushing madly over her and struggling to talk. Geez Mido get a grip. You'll never get a girl like that. I thought as I tsked and shook my head in disapproval. "So, D! About yesterday, you were in the middle of saying something when I asked if we could hang out?" Kirishima said,  putting a hand on my shoulder before gravity girl had a chance to respond to me. I felt Kat and Mido's gazes on the back of my head. "Oh yeah, I was saying that maybe we could go to the mall after I get off work. It's beautiful at night." I said, recalling being cut off by Aizawa's dramatic entrance. "Night?" He asked with a blush on his face. I nodded in response. "Well I get off at seven today... But if that doesn'-" "No it's fine, sounds perfect." He said, cutting me off with a smile. "Woah! Cool teeth! I didn't notice before." I said, looking at his shark-like pearly whites. The moment he opened up his mouth to respond, All Might began instruction.

In the end, I had no partner. I was actually completely fine with that but I was still a little upset I wouldn't be able to protect MidoMido. "Alright! For the first match.... Pair D will be villains and pair A will be heroes!" He announced. Wait... Hold the fuck up. Kat and MidoMido ate going against each other?! It doesn't matter who the hell is with Mido, if I'm not there I can't help him! No Dia.... Have more faith in him. He's smart. He got All Might's quirk.... He can't control it though.... I started praying that Mido would live through this. "Good luck Mido." I said, giving him a hug before he went out to the training ground. "You to Gravity Girl." I called as they walked to the building. She turned around and gave me a large smile. "Thanks Dia!" She shouted back, waving. Kat glared at me before glaring even harder at MidoMido.


"That Bakugou's a cheater! A sneak attack is so unmanly!" Kirishima slightly shouted. "Ambushes are a good strategy! They are in the heat of battle after all!" A pink girl said enthusiastically. I nodded in agreement. Mido will be fine. I thought confidently. I smiled on the inside at the fact he managed to dodge the blow and protect Gravity girl in the process. Kat swung at Mido but was flipped by him. Wait.... That looks like what I did years ago protecting Mido.... "Ah they grow up so fast!" I gushed while everyone else was in slight shock at the move he just pulled. Mido yelled something at Kat that nobody could hear since the volume was off. "What are they saying?" Kirishima whispered to me. "Even though the sound isn't on, all I hear is gogo gaga." I said. Kirishima deadpanned before facepalming. I watched in admiration as MidoMido avoided everything Kat threw at him. Eventually he started running away and if course by now, Kat was beyond pissed. He's trying to come up with a plan.... I've never tried this before but..... I focused on Mido as much as I possibly could, putting two fingers on my forehead. Mido? Can you hear me?
... DIA?! You're in my head?!!!

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