Chapter 21

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Dia's P.O.V
I finished the last braid in my hair, making sure each rose stem was hidden within the French braids. I then took the braids loose, removed the roses, and repeated the action. "The fuck are you doing?" Kat asked from behind me. "Don't worry about it, meat bag. Focus on how you're gonna beat me next round." I replied, angering him a bit. "I'll fucking blow you away bitch! Don't you underestimate me!" He slightly yelled as Kirishima held him back. I watched the arena with anticipation as the fight started. Mido fired first, breaking one of his fingers in the process to send a powerful attack. It still baffles me how much power can come from one finger... I thought, watching him repeat the action while Shouto blocked with walls of ice. Mido... He's trying to get him to use his fire. You're helping him even though you're struggling to fight? I smirked as I let out a sigh. Your humility amazes me. I thought as Shouto ignited his fire side. The way the flames danced, enticed me. I was so caught up staring at the flames that I didn't realize they'd charged at each other. Upon impact, there was a huge explosion and steam filled the arena. MIDO! I KNOW SHOUTO IS OK BUT.... Sure enough, Shouto remained in the place he was before and Mido had flown into the wall, creating a creator in the cement. I felt everything become hazy and it took every ounce of my will power and then some not to jump into that arena to tend to Mido. He... He's so badly hurt. And I can't help him. I... I can't. I thought, clenching the rail. "Uh... Dia? You OK?" Tsuyu asked me. I took a deep breath upon hearing her voice and attempted to calm myself. C'mon, he'll be fine. Chill out. I exhaled, appearing calm on the outside. "I'm fine Tsuyu. I am currently at peace with the world." I sighed with extremely exaggerated happiness. I won't be able to check on him because my match is next. I clenched the rose stems of the bouquet I was holding as Present Mic announced Shouto the winner. The matches were put on hold due to arena repairs. The second I got that news, I bolted to the nurse. He broke all his fingers then used one for all on the same broken limbs... His fingers must be fractured severely. "Mido!" I shouted as I slammed the door open. "Are you alright?!" He looked up at me and his worried expression shifted to a happy worried expression. "I am now that you're here." He said. I raised my eyebrows at the statement. Mido slowly seemed to realize what he said and blushed profusely, covering his mouth. "W-w-w-w-wait! I didn't! I mean- isbdydgdndgsya!" He shouted defensively. I chuckled at him and gently stroked his hair. "I know what you meant Mido." I said with a soft smile. He blushed a bit darker and covered his face with both hands. We've been friends for as long as we can remember, so it's only natural he'd feel better with me around when he's injured. I thought, petting his hair. "I appreciate you being here for your boyfriend, but even you have to leave for the procedure. I just told a group of his friends to leave, so you have to do the same dear." Recovery Girl said, ushering me out of the room. "He's not my-" The door was closed in my face before I could finish my sentence. "Dia! There you are! The arena is almost done with repairs! Hurry, your fight is next!" Iida said, skidding to a stop. I nodded, getting ready to run but he stopped me. "You don't have time to run on your own! Get on my back!" He said as he squatted down. I complied without question, jumping on his back and wrapping my legs around his waist. "H-hold on tight, Dia." He said, giving me a moment to put my arms around his neck before taking off. I had the liberty of feeling string wind blow through my hair and cool my face. Being pressed against Iida also gave me the opportunity to realize how toned he was. His back flexed with the way he was holding my legs around his waist and his biceps bulged as his large hands held my thighs. I felt my mouth water a bit as detail of his structure revealed itself to me. To my disappointment, we came to an abrupt stop and my excuse to feel his muscles came to an end. I hopped off his back just as my name was announced and into the ring same as my fight before. Crap! I forgot my roses! Just as I thought that, someone threw a bouquet of roses that landed right beside my feet. I looked back to see who it was to find a grinning Hitoshi flashing me a thumbs up. I smirked at him and nodded in his direction, grateful that he had fished through the crowd just to find it. "Oooh look at that folks! Looks like Dia has caught someone's interest!" Present Mic said, putting majority of the arena's attention on the purple haired boy. Aizawa sensei then snatched the microphone and announce for the fight to begin. Katsuki got into a fighting position, prepared for me to charge at him. Instead, to everyone's confusion, I sat down and began braiding the roses into my hair; hiding the stems in the braids like I had done before. I'd even pulled out a mirror. Everyone expressed evident confusion and a wave of "what the heck is she doing"s swept across the stadium. "Well don't just stand there, fight me." I said monotonously, angering Katsuki greatly. "Fucking die!" He shouted, sending a large explosion my way. I effortlessly put up a wind shield a split second before the impact of the explosion. Silence swept across the arena as everyone waited for the smoke to clear. When it did, I was still braiding my hair, unbothered. "Man, is that the best you can do? How lame. And here I thought I was going to get some actual competition." I whined, not even bothering to look at the bleach blonde boy. Gasps swept across the stadium as people started trying to figure out what kind of quirk I had or how I evaded the attack. Katsuki was boiling with rage and I didn't have to look at him to see that. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT UNDERESTIMATING ME BITCH?!" He shouted as he charged at me, prepared to punch me. When he was but a hair away, I made a slate of concrete jut out of the ground and hit him in the jaw, knocking him back. "Ah ah ah. I'm still doing my hair." I taunted with a smile, not even putting effort into my attacks. Katsuki growled and pushed himself up off the ground, wiping the blood off his lips. Katsuki proceeded to send consecutive explosions, each more powerful than the last, each being blocked the exact same way. I finished the braids by the time Katsuki's arms began trembling from the amount of force he put into his most powerful explosion. I stood up, tossing the mirror out of bounds and letting it break. "Since you seem pretty weak in long distance combat, how bout we go hand to hand?" I asked, letting the large braid my hair was in hit the middle of my back with each step I took. "Don't you dare pity me, bitch! I can beat you long or short distance!" Katsuki shouted, sending another explosion. The ash blonde seethed with anger and was now fueled by adrenaline. I smirked and swiftly evaded every attack he sent my way. I laughed gleefully at the sight of his crazy moves as I easily avoided being touched. "Haha! I love it!" I shouted with a large smile. The stadium began murmuring about me. Either impressed or concerned statements fell from the mouths of the viewers as some people began to cheer for me. I wasn't listening to Present Mic's commentary, but whatever he was saying was making Katsuki even angrier. After I while, I grew bored of hoping around with Kat and came to a sudden stop. He panted in front of me, exhausted. "You're tired already? Geez I haven't even started trying yet. Matter of fact, I haven't even attacked yet." I sighed, causing him to grit his teeth. "Then attack dammit! I can take any weak ass shot you throw at me! So GET YOUR WORTHLESS ASS OVER HERE AND FIGHT ME!" He shouted, putting up a fist. My fun mood disappeared entirely. "A something you just said struck a nerve, so I'll comply to your wish... But I'll go easy on you for your sake." I said, my usual stoic expression returning. He grinned angrily. "COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT! CAN'T YOU SEE I WANT THAT?!" He shouted, getting in a defensive posture. The skies became black with thunderous clouds as the wind around my body picked up. I lifted my arms, bringing metal pipes from the arena's frame through the concrete and caused them to bend above my body. I grabbed two of the pipes as lightning quickly struck them. Instead of being electrocuted, my body absorbed the massive amount of electricity which struck multiple times. My eyes and hair turned white as I ripped one of the pipes out of the ground and pointed it near Katsuki, sending all the electricity I had absorbed shooting past him in one large concentrated beam, burning a hole large enough for several people to fit in through the wall behind him. I sent the storm away, letting my hair fall back down as I forced the pipes back to their original place. "No you don't." I replied as Katsuki fell to his knees with shock written all over his ghostly pale face. "How boring. I won't even get a chance to try if this continues. I forfeit." I said as I walked out of bounds. It took a good forty seconds for everyone to snap out of their shocked states since everything happened so fast. "W-well Dia is out of bounds? Looks like Bakugou advances to the next round?" Present Mic announced, confusion evident in his voice. I sighed as I left the arena, making my way through the hall. I shouldn't have exposed my power. I'm such an idiot! I let my irritation get the best of me. "You really are your mother's daughter."

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