Chapter 34

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~Day of Lodge Trip~

We were standing outside on a cliff. "We actually own this whole area!" The pussycat with black hair said as she walked towards the railing. "And your lodge is at the base of that mountain." She finished as she pointed at the said location miles away. Students began chattering amongst themselves, slowly figuring out what was going on. We're gonna have to book it there, aren't we? I thought, removing my school shirt. "Right now it's 9:30 am. If you make it early, you might get there by 12. All you kitties who don't make it to the lodge by 12:30 don't get any lunch." She explained over Kirishima yelling for everyone to get on the bus. I put my hands behind my head, watching my classmates boredly. They all started running towards the vehicle but the blonde pussycat put her paws to the ground, making the ground we were standing on throw us over the edge. As soon as we all landed, I took off while one of the pussycats explained our objective. A 'devil beast' popped up right in front of me after she finished explaining. I put my hand to the ground, detecting iron and forcing it to me. As soon as it burst through the ground, I forced it to stretch and flatten while summoning bark and vines. When the item was complete, I lifted it and decapitated the devil beast; revealing a two-handed gladius (a really big gladius sword). This all happened in the span of five seconds, so everyone was shocked. "WHAT WAS THAT JUST NOW?!" Kaminari and Sero shouted at the same time. "Well since this forest has such a fantasy videogame vibe, I took the liberty of recreating my rendition of a gladius from 'Toram'." I replied before shrugging and slaying another. I sped ahead, continuously shape-shifting to get through thick brush. 12? Don't make me laugh! I'll get there by 11! 10:30 at best! It won't take me a whole three hours! I thought, slaying several devil beasts with one slice. Ah I haven't practiced swordsmanship in a while. I stopped dead in my tracks. But this is getting boring. I thought, lifting an arm and making the dirt incase my bare feet before forcing my hand forward and making it all move as if it were a platform in a Mario game. Except this platform ONLY went forward. The noise attracted nearby devil beast which I was able to slay with ease. Might as well take my time. At this pace, the platform will make it there in about an hour. That'll put me at... 11:45-12? Yeah just about. I pondered, effortlessly slicing the devil beast that pounced at me. I wonder how Rin's doing? I hope he's ok...


"That was fun!" I exclaimed as I walked into a clearing in front of the lodge, drowsy and nauseous from using my quirk so much. "I'm impressed." Aizawa-sensei said with his brows raised. "Yeah, you got here pretty fast! And to have figured out my awakened earth beasts so quickly and easily... You're really good!" The blond pussycat chimed. "Well, you've earned your lunch!" That ravenette pussycat said, gesturing for me to follow her. "Actually, I don't want to eat until everyone else gets here..." I replied, sitting on the ground. "In the meantime I'm just gonna... Take a nap while I wait for the others to.... *yawn*... Get here." I said drowsily as I laid down on the ground. As soon as my head hit my arms, I fell asleep.


My ear twitched as someone spoke loudly, waking me up. "I'm anxious to see what'll become of you guys three years from now! I call dibs now!" I sat up to see it was the blond pussycat who shouted, fawning over Kat, Mido, Tenya and Shouto. As she pounced at them, I noticed that someone had put a blanket over me. "Has she always been this hyper?" Aizawa-sensei asked. "She's in a bit of a rush. Being at the marrying age and all..." The black haired pussycat I now knew as Mandalei replied. I looked down at the blanket as Mido chimed in. Oh! This is sensei's sleeping bag... I thought, glancing at the man. "Speaking of marrying age..." Mido started, just for his mouth to be covered by the blondy's huge paw. "Don't speak!" She shouted anxiously. Mido ignored it somehow and looked over her shoulder. "I've been wondering for a while... Are one of you that kid's mother?" Mido asked, pointing to a little boy in a cute cap with horns on it. Mandalei turned her attention to the said child. "Oh, no, that kid is my nephew. Kouta! Come on, say hi, you're going to be living with them for the next week." She told him. Mido walked up to the little boy, begining to introduce himself, sticking his hand out. In return, Kouta just punched Mido in the dick. And he punched him hard. I love Mido and all, but that was fucking hilarious. It was hard to do, but I didn't laugh. Tenya immediately ran up to Mido to check on him while scolding Kouta at the same time. "I'm not gonna fuck around with a bunch of losers who wanna grow up to be corny ass heroes." Kouta growled, walking away. "'FUCK AROUND'!!? HOW OLD ARE YOU!!?" Tenya shouted. I raised my brows, sitting up completely. "Cute kid." I cracked to no one in particular. "Kid thinks he's a grown up." Kat said with a grin. "Reminds me of someone I know." Shouto and I said at the same time, looking at Kat. "Ah? He's nothing like me! At least I don't keep my emotions all pent up like some people." He shouted back. "Relax, it was a joke." Shouto replied flatly. Aizawa-sensei sighed and stepped forward towards the group. "Enough chit chat, go get our luggage from the bus. Once you've settled in your rooms, grab dinner in the dining hall. After that, take a bath, kick back and unwind. The real deal starts tomorrow. Get a move on it." He instructed, jutting his thumb in the direction of the building. I stood up and took Aizawa-sensei his sleeping bag as everyone went to get their luggage. "Thank you sensei." I said with a bow. "You're welcome. Now go get your stuff." He said nonchalantly. I smiled at him and started jogging towards the bus. "Dia! I got your stuff for you!" Rin said with a large smile, covered in dirt and sweat as he carried our two large duffel bags. "Ah Rin you didn't have to! Let me get that, you must be tired...." I said hurriedly, noticing the sun beginning to set. Damn, it took them a long time.... "No Dia! I'm strong enough. I'm just being a gentleman." He said with a grin, joining my side as we walked into the lodge. I felt people shoot glares at Rin. "I want to hate him for being perfect, but he's so damn manly right now." Kiri said in an exhausted tone. "Rin-" "I've got it! Promise! Anything for you!" He said, cutting me off with a smile. Agh he's so damn adorable! I can't say no! I thought as we made it to the dorms. "I'll put your bag up. You go ahead and start eating." Rin said, shooing me. "OK... But I won't eat until you get there!" I said before going to the dining area. When I got there, I realized how hungry I was. Everyone was eating like wild animals, but that was justified. None of us has eaten all day and it took a lot out of everyone. I sat next to Shouto, who was silently scarfing down food. I claimed a bowl of my own and began loading it with food enough for three people when Rin showed up. "Can you eat all of that?" Shouto asked, swallowing his rice. "Watch me." I said with a smirk before I began shoveling the food into my mouth. Flavors of all kinds exploded on my taste buds. This makes Kat's cooking seem embarrassing! I thought, pushing the now clean bowl away from me. "That's... Unsettling." Shouto said, staring at me wide-eyed with a small blush on his face. "Did you just.... Swallow all that food whole?" Rin asked from the other side of me. "Boa constrictor." I replied, wiping my mouth with a napkin and standing. I hugged Rin's head into my chest. "Thanks for getting my stuff and putting it up for me, Rin." I said with a smile smile before pushing his bangs back and kissing his forehead tenderly. "That was so kind of you." I said lowly. I then sat between Mido and Kat, making a much smaller serving now, pretty full from the first one. "The fuck was that all about? The bastard's been clinging to you since the day he got to Yuuei." Kat said with a mouth full of food. "Y-yeah Dia... You seem pretty close to that guy... Must have a great history for you to deliberately shove his face between your breasts." Mido chimed with a blank expression. "You did WHAT?!" A shocked expression covered Tenya's face. "Wasn't he just a floosie from your job?! Is he still messing with you in such a manner?" Tenya asked, clearly enraged. "If he is, I'll blow him up so hard, they'll be piecin him together for weeks." Kat growled. 'No! That's not it! He grabbed my luggage and put it away for be despite being cold, tired, and hungry. I don't like it all that much, but he goes out of his way to pamper me. It's his way of showing that he cares since he isn't really able to be upfront about his feelings." I replied, defending the unsuspecting boy. "So in other words, he does too fucking much because he's a pussy." Kat replied, finishing up his food. "Don't call him that. Besides, Mido's the same way." I said flatly. "Like I said. A pussy." Kat retorted, rolling his eyes. I slapped him upside his head, making his face fly into his food. "I find it adorable." I replied, glancing at Rin then at Mido. Kat just tched as Mido blushed. "Ain't even your type." Kat mumbled. It was a statement that raised brows, but no one dared to question it.
After a while, we all made our way to the hot springs, the boys and girls going their separate ways.
I sighed in bliss as I sank into the streaming water. "Just what I needed." I sighed. "Yeah~" "Hot springs really are the best~" Uraraka and Yaoyorozu said in agreement. "So Dia, is Dokashi like your boyfriend or something?" Ashido asked, sitting on the rock. "Oh yeah! I was wondering that too! He did give you a gift when he first came to Yuuei!" Uraraka pointed out. "And he blushes so hard around you. It's obvious he's head over heels for you." Asui added. I looked away from everyone. "I know about Rin's feelings for me... Actually, he's the only one who likes me that way. It was hard for him, but he confessed to me. He even stole my first kiss... I... I just don't know if I can return his feelings." I admitted, causing an out roar. "WHHHAAAT?!" "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" "He's so perfect!" "He's pretty strong too!" "He almost shames Todoroki!" "Plus he's rich!" "He's like the perfect guy!" They all replied almost all at once. "I don't care about the money! Rin is a nice guy. He has been for... Well, ever. As long as I can remember he's done nothing but help others with a smile on his face. He's the kindest, gentle, most selfless person I've ever met. It's because he's so perfect, I don't know if I can return his feelings. I'm so fucked up that... Well.... I'm scared that... That I'll ruin him. That I'll ruin his life. I'm no where near good enough for Rin. He doesn't deserve to have to deal with me. I don't see why anyone would like me like that in the first place." I said, twiddling my thumbs as I avoided eye contact. "Oh, hon..." Yaoyorozu said softly, giving me a hug. "There's plenty of reason for someone to like you, Dia." Asui responded, putting a finger to her chin. "Yeah! Don't think like that! This is a great opportunity for a first romance for you!" Uraraka chimed. "Maybe it'll last a lifetime~" Ashido suggested, wiggling her eyebrows. "I mean, you're pretty cool, or whatever." Jiro said, avoiding eye-contact with a blush. "You're pretty lovable once we got to know you, so I'm pretty sure any guy would feel the same!" Toru beemed. I smiled softly at the group. "Thanks you all..." I said, feeling my heart swell. "GROUP HUG!" Ashido cheered enthusiastically, practically pouncing on me. Ah... What is this feeling? "WALLS ARE MADE TO BE SCALED! PLUS ULTRA!!!" Mineta shouted from the other side. "So fast!" Mido exclaimed. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! ONE PEEP AT DIA AND YOU'RE DEAD!" Kat shouted right after, almost completely blocking out the fact that Tenya was trying to get Mineta to stop with just his words. "Try having more dignity before becoming a hero." A familiar voice said, followed by Mineta's shouting and falling into the water with a splash. "I'd expect nothing less of Mineta." Yaoyorozu said. "You rock Kouta!" Ashido cheered, flashing a thumbs up. "Thanks Kouta!" I called with a smile. The said little boy turned around instinctively upon hearing his name. "What the-" He slightly shouted, falling backwards to the boy's side. "So is no one gonna point out that Bakugou is relentlessly beating the crap out of Mineta?" Jiro asked. I listened closely, and sure enough, explosions and Mineta's screams could be heard. "This is what happens when you so much as TRY to see Dia undressed you fucking dipshit!" Kat slightly shouted. I actually almost felt bad for Mineta. Almost.

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